Source code for towhee.functional.mixins.parallel

# Copyright 2021 Zilliz. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import concurrent.futures
from queue import Queue
import asyncio
import threading
import time

from towhee.utils.log import engine_log
from towhee.functional.option import Option, Empty, _Reason
from towhee.hparam.hyperparameter import param_scope

def _map_task(x, unary_op):
    def map_wrapper():
            if isinstance(x, Option):
                return unary_op(x)
        except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            engine_log.warning(f'{e}, please check {x} with op {unary_op}. Continue...')  # pylint: disable=logging-fstring-interpolation
            return Empty(_Reason(x, e))

    return map_wrapper

[docs]class ParallelMixin: """ Mixin for parallel execution. Examples: >>> from towhee import DataCollection >>> def add_1(x): ... return x+1 >>> result = DataCollection.range(1000).set_parallel(2).map(add_1).to_list() >>> len(result) 1000 >>> result = DataCollection.range(1000).pmap(add_1, 10).pmap(add_1, 10).to_list() >>> result[990:] [992, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000, 1001] """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() with param_scope() as hp: parent = hp().data_collection.parent(None) if parent is not None and hasattr(parent, '_executor') and isinstance(parent._executor, concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor): self._backend = parent._backend self._executor = parent._executor self._num_worker = parent._num_worker if hasattr(parent, '_backend_started'): self._backend_started = parent._backend_started def get_executor(self): if hasattr(self, '_executor') and isinstance(self._executor, concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor): return self._executor return None def get_backend(self): if hasattr(self, '_backend') and isinstance(self._backend, str): return self._backend return None def get_num_worker(self): if hasattr(self, '_num_worker') and isinstance(self._num_worker, int): return self._num_worker return None def get_backend_started(self): if hasattr(self, '_backend_started') and isinstance(self._backend_started, bool): return self._backend_started return None
[docs] def set_parallel(self, num_worker = 2, backend = 'thread'): """ Set parallel execution for following calls. Examples: >>> from towhee import DataCollection >>> import threading >>> stage_1_thread_set = set() >>> stage_2_thread_set = set() >>> result = ( ... DataCollection.range(1000).stream().set_parallel(4) ... .map(lambda x: stage_1_thread_set.add(threading.current_thread().ident)) ... .map(lambda x: stage_2_thread_set.add(threading.current_thread().ident)).to_list() ... ) >>> len(stage_2_thread_set)>1 True """ self._executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_worker) self._backend = backend self._num_worker = num_worker # if backend == 'ray': # self.ray_start() return self
[docs] def unset_parallel(self): """ Unset parallel execution for following calls. Examples: >>> from towhee import DataCollection >>> import threading >>> stage_1_thread_set = {threading.current_thread().ident} >>> stage_2_thread_set = {threading.current_thread().ident} >>> result = ( ... DataCollection.range(1000).stream().set_parallel(4) ... .map(lambda x: stage_1_thread_set.add(threading.current_thread().ident)) ... .unset_parallel() ... .map(lambda x: stage_2_thread_set.add(threading.current_thread().ident)).to_list() ... ) >>> len(stage_1_thread_set)>1 True >>> len(stage_2_thread_set)>1 False """ self._backend = None self._num_wokrker = None self._executor = None return self
[docs] def split(self, count): """ Split a dataframe into multiple dataframes. Args: count (int): how many resulting DCs; Returns: [DataCollection, ...]: copies of DC; Examples: 1. Split: >>> from towhee import DataCollection >>> dc = DataCollection([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]).stream() >>> a, b, c = dc.split(3) >>>, c).to_list() [(0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1), (2, 2, 2), (3, 3, 3), (4, 4, 4)] """ # Figure out better optimization if self.is_stream: queues = [Queue(count) for _ in range(count)] else: queues = [Queue() for _ in range(count)] loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() def inner(queue): while True: x = queue.get() if isinstance(x, EOS): break else: yield x async def worker(): cached_values = {x: [] for x in range(count)} for x in self: #TODO: Use some kind of event instead of wait sleepy = .01 while all(y.full() for y in queues): time.sleep(sleepy) for i, queue in enumerate(queues): if len(cached_values[i]) > 0: while not queue.full() and len(cached_values[i]) > 0: queue.put(cached_values[i].pop(0)) if len(cached_values[i]) == 0 and not queue.full(): queue.put(x) else: cached_values[i].append(x) for i, queue in enumerate(queues): poison = EOS() cached_values[i].append(poison) while len(cached_values) > 0: for x in list(cached_values.keys()): if len(cached_values[x]) == 0: del cached_values[x] else: while not queues[x].full() and len(cached_values[x]) > 0: queues[x].put(cached_values[x].pop(0)) def worker_wrapper(): loop.run_until_complete(worker()) loop.close() t = threading.Thread(target=worker_wrapper, daemon=True) t.start() retval = [inner(queue) for queue in queues] return [self._factory(x) for x in retval]
[docs] def pmap(self, unary_op, num_worker = None, backend = None): """ Apply `unary_op` with parallel execution. Currently supports two backends, `ray` and `thread`. Args: unary_op (func): the op to be mapped; num_worker (int): how many threads to reserve for this op; backend (str): whether to use `ray` or `thread` Examples: >>> from towhee import DataCollection >>> import threading >>> stage_1_thread_set = {threading.current_thread().ident} >>> stage_2_thread_set = {threading.current_thread().ident} >>> result = ( ... DataCollection.range(1000).stream() ... .pmap(lambda x: stage_1_thread_set.add(threading.current_thread().ident), 5) ... .pmap(lambda x: stage_2_thread_set.add(threading.current_thread().ident), 4).to_list() ... ) >>> len(stage_1_thread_set) > 1 True >>> len(stage_2_thread_set) > 1 True """ if backend is None: if self.get_backend() == 'ray': return self._ray_pmap(unary_op, num_worker) else: return self._thread_pmap(unary_op, num_worker) elif backend == 'thread': return self._thread_pmap(unary_op, num_worker) elif backend == 'ray': return self._ray_pmap(unary_op, num_worker)
def _thread_pmap(self, unary_op, num_worker=None): if num_worker is not None: executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(num_worker) elif self.get_executor() is not None: executor = self._executor num_worker = self._num_worker else: executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(2) num_worker = 2 #If not streamed, we need to be able to hold all values within queue if self.is_stream: queue = Queue(num_worker) else: queue = Queue() loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() def inner(): while True: x = queue.get() queue.task_done() if isinstance(x, EOS): break else: yield x async def worker(): buff = [] for x in self: if len(buff) == num_worker: queue.put(await buff.pop(0)) buff.append(loop.run_in_executor(executor, _map_task(x, unary_op))) while len(buff) > 0: queue.put(await buff.pop(0)) queue.put(EOS()) def worker_wrapper(): loop.run_until_complete(worker()) loop.close() t = threading.Thread(target=worker_wrapper, daemon=True) t.start() return self._factory(inner())
[docs] def mmap(self, ops: list, num_worker = None, backend = None): """ Apply multiple unary_op to data collection. Currently supports two backends, `ray` and `thread`. Args: unary_op (func): the op to be mapped; num_worker (int): how many threads to reserve for this op; backend (str): whether to use `ray` or `thread` # TODO: the test is broken with pytest # Examples: # 1. Using mmap: # >>> from towhee import DataCollection # >>> dc1 = DataCollection([0,1,2,'3',4]).stream() # >>> a1, b1 = dc1.mmap([lambda x: x+1, lambda x: x*2]) # >>> c1 = x: x+1) # >>> # [(2, 0), (3, 2), (4, 4), (Empty(), '33'), (6, 8)] # 2. Using map instead of mmap: # >>> from towhee import DataCollection # >>> dc2 = DataCollection.range(5).stream() # >>> a2, b2, c2 = x: x+1, lambda x: x*2, lambda x: int(x/2)) # >>> d2 = x: x+1) # >>>, c2).to_list() # [(2, 0, 0), (3, 2, 0), (4, 4, 1), (5, 6, 1), (6, 8, 2)] # 3. DAG execution: # >>> dc3 = DataCollection.range(5).stream() # >>> a3, b3, c3 = x: x+1, lambda x: x*2, lambda x: int(x/2)) # >>> d3 = x: x+1) # >>>, c3).map(lambda x: x[0]+x[1]+x[2]).to_list() # [2, 5, 9, 12, 16] """ if len(ops) == 1: return self._pmap(unary_op=ops[0], num_worker=num_worker, backend=backend) next_vals = [] next_vals = self.split(len(ops)) ret = [] for i, x in enumerate(ops): ret.append(next_vals[i].pmap(x, num_worker=num_worker, backend=backend)) return ret
class EOS(): ''' Internal object used to signify end of processing queue. ''' pass