Source code for towhee.dag.graph_repr

# Copyright 2021 Zilliz. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from typing import Dict, List, Set, Tuple, Any

from towhee.dag.base_repr import BaseRepr
from towhee.dag.dataframe_repr import DataFrameRepr
from towhee.dag.operator_repr import OperatorRepr

[docs]class GraphRepr(BaseRepr): """ A `GraphRepr` presents a complete DAG. A graph contains individual subcomponents, including Operators, Dataframes, and Variables. Graph representations are used during execution to load functions and pass data to the correct operators. Args: name (`str`): The representation name. file_or_url (`str`): The file or remote url that stores the information of this representation. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, graph_type: str, op_reprs: Dict[str, OperatorRepr], df_reprs: Dict[str, DataFrameRepr], ir: str=None): super().__init__(name) self._graph_type = graph_type self._operators = op_reprs self._dataframes = df_reprs self._ir = ir
@property def graph_type(self): return self._graph_type @property def operators(self) -> Dict[str, OperatorRepr]: return self._operators @property def dataframes(self) -> Dict[str, DataFrameRepr]: return self._dataframes @property def ir(self) -> str: return self._ir
[docs] @staticmethod def dfs(cur: str, adj: Dict[str, List[str]], flag: Dict[str, int], cur_list: List[str]) -> Tuple[bool, List[str]]: """ Depth-First Search the graph. Args: cur (`str`): The name of current dataframe. adj (`Dict[str, List[str]]`): A dict store the adjacent dataframe of each dataframe. flag (`Dict[str, int]`): A dict store the status of the columns. - 0 means the dataframe has not been visted yet. - 1 means the dataframe has been visted in this search, which means this columns is part of a loop. - 2 means the dataframe has been searched and confirmed not to be a part of a loop. cur_list (`List[str]`): The list of dataframe that have been visited in this search. Returns: (`Tuple[bool, List[str]]`) Return `False` if there is no loop, else `True` and the loop. """ # If `cur` is not the input of any operator, it will not form a loop anyway. if cur not in flag: return False, [] # If `cur` has been searched and not in a loop. if flag[cur] == 2: return False, [] # If `cur` has been visited in this search. if flag[cur] == 1: return True, cur_list flag[cur] = 1 # Recursion for col in adj[cur]: cur_list.append(cur) status, loop_list = GraphRepr.dfs(col, adj, flag, cur_list) if status: return status, loop_list flag[cur] = 2 return False, []
[docs] def get_loop(self) -> List[str]: """ Get the loop(s) inside the graph. Returns: (`List[str]`) Return the loop if exists, else an empty list. """ adj = {} flag = {} dataframes = [] # Collect adjacent information and mark all the flag as 0. for op in self._operators.values(): out = op.outputs[0]['df'] for df in op.inputs: name = df['df'] if name not in dataframes: adj[name] = [] flag[name] = 0 dataframes.append(name) adj[name].append(out) # Recursive DFS. for df in dataframes: status, loop_list = GraphRepr.dfs(df, adj, flag, []) if status: return loop_list return []
[docs] def get_isolated_df(self) -> Set[str]: """ Get the isolated dataframe(s) in the DAG. Returns: (`Set[str]`) Return the isolated dataframe set if exists, else an empty set. """ # First mark all the dataframes as isolated. iso_df = { for df in self._dataframes.values()} # If the dataframe is the input/output of any operators remove it from isolated dataframes set. for op in self._operators.values(): for i in op.inputs: iso_df.discard(i['df']) iso_df.discard(op.outputs[0]['df']) return iso_df
[docs] def get_isolated_op(self) -> Set[str]: """ Get the isolated operator(s) in the DAG. Returns: (`Set[str]`) Return the isolated operator set if exists, else an empty set. """ # If the graph has only one operator, there is no isolated operator. if len(self._operators.values()) == 1: return set() in_df = set() out_df = set() iso_op = set() # Collect all the input/output dataframes. for op in self._operators.values(): for i in op.inputs: in_df.add(i['df']) out_df.add(op.outputs[0]['df']) # Traverse the operators to find isolated operators. for op in self._operators.values(): cur_in = {i['df'] for i in op.inputs} cur_out = {i['df'] for i in op.outputs} # If the input/output are not the output/input of any other operators the operator is isolated. if not cur_in.intersection(out_df - cur_out) and not cur_out.intersection(in_df - cur_in): iso_op.add( return iso_op
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(info: Dict[Any, Any]) -> 'GraphRepr': """ Generate a GraphRepr from a description dict. Args: info (`Dict[Any, Any]`): A dict to describe the DAG. Returns: (`towhee.dag.GraphRepr`) The GraphRepr obj. """ # Basic schema check. if not BaseRepr.is_valid(info, {'name', 'operators', 'dataframes'}): raise ValueError('file or src is not a valid YAML file to describe a DAG in Towhee.') dataframes = dict((df_info['name'], DataFrameRepr.from_dict(df_info)) for df_info in info['dataframes']) operators = dict((op_info['name'], OperatorRepr.from_dict(op_info)) for op_info in info['operators']) return GraphRepr(info['name'], info.get('type', ''), operators, dataframes, info.get('ir', None))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_yaml(src: str): """ Import a YAML file describing this graph. Example YAML look like this: name: 'test_graph' operators: - name: 'test_op_1' function: 'test_function' inputs: - df: 'test_df_1' col: 0 outputs: - df: 'test_df_2' col: 0 iter_info: type: map dataframes: - name: 'test_df_1' columns: - vtype: 'int' name: 'test_df_2' columns: - vtype: 'int' Args: src (`str`): YAML file (could be pre-loaded as string) to import. Returns: (`towhee.dag.GraphRepr`) The GraphRepr object. """ info = BaseRepr.load_src(src) g_repr = GraphRepr.from_dict(info) iso_df = g_repr.get_isolated_df() iso_op = g_repr.get_isolated_op() loop = g_repr.get_loop() err_msg = ( f'The YAML contains isolated dataframe {iso_df}. ' if bool(iso_df) else '' + f'The YAML contains isolated dataframe {iso_op}. ' if bool(iso_op) else '' + f'The YAML contains loop {loop}' if bool(loop) else '' ) if bool(iso_df) or bool(iso_op) or bool(loop): raise ValueError(err_msg) return g_repr
[docs] def to_yaml(self) -> str: """Export a YAML file describing this graph. Returns: (`str`) A string with the graph's serialized contents. """ # TODO(Chiiizzzy) raise NotImplementedError