Source code for towhee.dataframe.dataframe

# Copyright 2021 Zilliz. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import threading
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Tuple, Any

from towhee.dataframe.array.array import Array
from towhee.dataframe._schema import _Schema
from towhee.types._frame import _Frame, FRAME
# from towhee.types import equivalents

[docs]class DataFrame: """ A `DataFrame` is a collection of immutable, potentixally heterogeneous blogs of data. Args: columns (`list[Tuple[str, Any]]`) The list of the column names and their corresponding data types. name (`str`): Name of the dataframe; `DataFrame` names should be the same as its representation. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name: str, columns: List[Tuple[str, str]], ): self._name = name self._sealed = False self._insert_cache_lock = threading.RLock() self._insert_cache = {} self._next_id = 0 self._iterator_lock = threading.RLock() self._it_id = 0 self._iterators = {} self._min_offset = 0 self._block_lock = threading.RLock() self._map_blocked = {} self._window_start_blocked = {} self._window_end_blocked = {} self._data_lock = threading.RLock() self._len = 0 self._data_as_list = [] self._schema = _Schema() self._initialize_storage(columns)
def _initialize_storage(self, columns): """Set the columns in the schema.""" for name, col_type in columns: self._schema.add_col(name=name, col_type = col_type) frame = _Frame() self._schema.add_col(FRAME, self._class_type(frame)) self._data_as_list = [Array(name=name) for name, _ in self._schema.cols]
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """Get data at the passed in offset.""" with self._data_lock: # access a row if isinstance(key, int): return tuple(self._data_as_list[i][key] for i in range(len(self._data_as_list))) # access a column elif isinstance(key, str): index = self._schema.col_index(key) return self._data_as_list[index]
def __str__(self): """ Simple to_string for printing and debugging dfs. Currently assumes that the data can be str()'ed. """ ret = '' formater = '' columns = [] with self._data_lock: for x in range(len(self._data_as_list)): columns.append(self._data_as_list[x].name) formater += '{' + str(x) + ':30}' ret += formater.format(*columns) + '\n' if self._min_offset != float('inf'): for x in range(self._min_offset, self._min_offset + self.__len__()): values = [] for i in range(len(self._data_as_list)): val = self._data_as_list[i][x] values.append(str(val)) ret += formater.format(*values) + '\n' return ret def __len__(self): with self._data_lock: return self._len - self._min_offset @property def current_size(self): return self.__len__() @property def size(self): return self._len @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @property def iterators(self) -> List[int]: return self._iterators @property def data(self) -> List[Array]: with self._data_lock: return self._data_as_list @property def columns(self) -> List[str]: return [x for x, _ in self._schema.cols] @property def types(self) -> List[Any]: return [y for _, y in self._schema.cols] @property def sealed(self) -> bool: return self._sealed
[docs] def get_window(self, start: int, end: int, step: int, comparator: str, iter_id: int = False): """ Window based data retrieval. Windows include everything up to but not including the cutoff. Args: start (`int`): The starting index to read data from. end (`int`): The current upper window limit. step (`int`): How far the window will slide for next call comparator ('timestamp' | 'row_id'): Which value is being used for window calculations. iter_id (`int`): Which iterator is reading the data. Returns: Responses: Different states of response codes depending on the dataframe state. Situations: Unsealed: [0, 1, 2, 3] window = (5, 10) 1. Window start is greater than the latest value in df: a. block for value greater than window start [0, 1, 2, 3] window = (0, 10) 2. Window end is greater than the latest value in df: a. block for value that is greater than window end [5, 6, 7, 8] window = (1, 4) 3. Window end is smaller than all values in df a. return None and continue to next window [0, 1, 3, 4] window = (0, 3) 4. Values exist between window start and window end: a. return values, clear data up to first value Sealed: [0, 1, 2, 3] window = (5, 10) 1. Window start is greater than the latest value in df: a. Stop iteration [0, 1, 2, 3] window = (0, 10) 2. Window end is greater than the latest value in df: a. return remaining window values and stop iteration [5, 6, 7, 8] window = (1, 4) 3. Window end is smaller than all values in df a. return None and continue to next window [0, 1, 3, 4] window = (0, 3) 4. Values exist between window start and window end: a. return values, clear data up to first value """ # When the iterator is forcefully unblocked using unblock_iters(). with self._iterator_lock: if iter_id is not False and self._iterators.get(iter_id) is None: return Responses.KILLED, None, None base_offset = self._iterators[iter_id] rets = [] min_offset = None max_offset = base_offset next_offset = None next_window = start + step with self._data_lock: # If the df is empty, we dont want to do anything but wait for a next value if unsealed. if self.__len__() == 0: if self.sealed: return self._ret(Responses.EMPTY_SEALED, None, None, iter_id) else: return self._ret(Responses.EMPTY, None, None, iter_id) # If the first element in the df is larger than the window end we want to move to the next viable window if getattr(self._data_as_list[-1][base_offset], comparator) >= end: goal = getattr(self._data_as_list[-1][base_offset], comparator) new_start = start + step * ((goal - start)//step) new_end = (new_start - start) + end if new_end <= goal: new_start += step new_end += step return self._ret(Responses.OLD_WINDOW, None, (new_start, (new_start - start) + end), iter_id) # If the last element of the df is smaller than the start of the window, proceed to next windows. elif getattr(self._data_as_list[-1][-1], comparator) < start: if self.sealed: return self._ret(Responses.FUTURE_WINDOW_SEALED, None, None, iter_id) else: return self._ret(Responses.FUTURE_WINDOW, None, self._len, iter_id) # iterating through values to see which ones fall in the window. min offset = first value, max offset = last value for i in range(base_offset, self._len): if getattr(self._data_as_list[-1][i], comparator) >= start and getattr(self._data_as_list[-1][i], comparator) < end: if min_offset is None: min_offset = i if next_offset is None: if getattr(self._data_as_list[-1][i], comparator) >= next_window: next_offset = i max_offset = i rets.append(self.__getitem__(max_offset)) elif getattr(self._data_as_list[-1][i], comparator) >= end: if next_offset is None: next_offset = i break # If the max offset is the length of the df if max_offset == self._len - 1 and self.sealed: # Need to check if there is a next window that fits, if so, continue if next_offset: return self._ret(Responses.APPROVED_CONTINUE, rets, next_offset, iter_id) # If not, return whats left and have iterator close. else: return self._ret(Responses.APPROVED_DONE, rets, max_offset, iter_id) # If the last value that fits in window is also the last value of df, cant close # window yet as we dont know if the next value fits in the same window. elif max_offset == self._len - 1 and not self.sealed: return self._ret(Responses.WINDOW_NOT_DONE, None, None, iter_id) else: return self._ret(Responses.APPROVED_CONTINUE, rets, next_offset, iter_id)
[docs] def get(self, offset: int, count: int = 1, iter_id: int = False): """ Get data from dataframe based on offset and how many values requested. Args: offset (`int`): The starting index to read data from. count (`int`): How many values to retrieve. iter_id (`int`): Which iterator is reading the data. Returns: Responses: Different states of response codes depending on the dataframe state. """ # When the iterator is forcefully unblocked using unblock_iters(). with self._iterator_lock: if iter_id is not False and self._iterators.get(iter_id) is None: return self._ret(Responses.KILLED, None, None, iter_id) elif offset < self._min_offset: # Up to iterators to decide what to do if the value they want is GCed. return self._ret(Responses.INDEX_GC, None, None, iter_id) with self._data_lock: # The batch of data is available and there is more available. if offset + count <= self._len: return self._ret(Responses.APPROVED_CONTINUE, [self.__getitem__(x) for x in range(offset, offset + count)], None, iter_id) elif self._sealed: # If no more data is left and trying to get more, iterator will stop and no data returned. if offset >= self._len: return self._ret(Responses.INDEX_OOB_SEALED, None, None, iter_id) # If dataframe is sealed, remaining values will be returned and allow for next step else: return self._ret(Responses.APPROVED_CONTINUE, [self.__getitem__(x) for x in range(offset, self._len)], None, iter_id) # If the requested offset is out of bounds but dataframe is still writing data. elif offset + count > self._len: return self._ret(Responses.INDEX_OOB_UNSEALED, None, None, iter_id) # Something broke. else: return self._ret(Responses.UNKOWN_ERROR, None, None, iter_id)
def _ret(self, code, ret, offset, provide_code): if provide_code is not False: return code, ret, offset else: return ret
[docs] def put(self, item) -> None: """ Append a new value to the dataframe. Args: item (dict | list | Array | tuple): The row to insert. """ assert not self._sealed, f'DataFrame {self._name} is already sealed, can not put data' assert isinstance(item, (tuple, dict, list)), f'Dataframe input must be of type (tuple, dict, list), not {type(item)}' with self._data_lock: start_len = self._len if not isinstance(item, list): item = [item] for x in item: self._put(x) # Clear cache after inserting. self._put_cached() frame = None # Only check blocked iterators if new value added. if (self._len - start_len) > 0 and self.current_size > 0: frame = self._data_as_list[-1][-1] cur_len = self._len if frame is not None: self._check_blocked(frame, cur_len)
def _check_blocked(self, frame, cur_len): """Unblock iterators if their criteria has been met.""" with self._block_lock: if len(self._map_blocked) > 0: rem = [] for i, id_events in self._map_blocked.items(): if i <= cur_len: for _, event in id_events: event.set() rem.append(i) for key in rem: del self._map_blocked[key] if len(self._window_start_blocked) > 0: rem = [] for cutoff, id_events in self._window_start_blocked.items(): if cutoff[1] <= getattr(frame, cutoff[0]): for _, event in id_events: event.set() rem.append(cutoff) for key in rem: del self._window_start_blocked[key] if len(self._window_end_blocked) > 0: rem = [] for cutoff, id_events in self._window_end_blocked.items(): if cutoff[1] < getattr(frame, cutoff[0]): for _, event in id_events: event.set() rem.append(cutoff) for key in rem: del self._window_end_blocked[key] def _put(self, item): """Method that decides which format the data is in and calls put.""" if isinstance(item, dict): return self._put_dict(item) elif isinstance(item, tuple): return self._put_tuple(item) else: raise ValueError('Input data is of wrong format.') def _put_cached(self): """Empty cache values into the data list when the index is reached.""" if len(self._insert_cache) != 0: with self._insert_cache_lock: item = self._insert_cache.pop(self._next_id, None) while item is not None: # If the row is a frame, skip it but increment next_id if item == -1: self._next_id += 1 else: self._put(item) item = self._insert_cache.pop(self._next_id, None) def _put_tuple(self, item: tuple): """Appending a tuple to the dataframe.""" if not isinstance(item[-1], _Frame): item = item + (_Frame(row_id=self._len), ) else: # If row is empty, append to the insert cache for skipping. if item[-1].empty: with self._insert_cache_lock: self._insert_cache[item[-1].prev_id] = -1 return -1 # if prev_id exists and its not equal to next_id, cache it elif item[-1].prev_id != -1 and item[-1].prev_id != self._next_id: with self._insert_cache_lock: self._insert_cache[item[-1].prev_id] = item return -2 item[-1].row_id = self._len # TODO: Figure out the situation on type checking # for i, x in enumerate(item): # print(equivalents.get(self._class_type(x), self._class_type(x)) , self._schema.col_type(i), flush=True) # assert equivalents.get(self._class_type(x), self._class_type(x)) == self._schema.col_type(i) for i, x in enumerate(item): self._data_as_list[i].put(x) self._len += 1 self._next_id += 1 def _put_dict(self, item: dict): """Appending a dict to the dataframe.""" if item.get(FRAME, None) is None: item[FRAME] = _Frame(self._len) else: # If row is empty, append to the insert cache for skipping. if item[FRAME].empty: with self._insert_cache_lock: self._insert_cache[item[-1].prev_id] = -1 return -1 # if prev_id exists and its not equal to next_id, cache it elif item[FRAME].prev_id != -1 and item[FRAME].prev_id != self._next_id: with self._insert_cache_lock: self._insert_cache[item[FRAME].prev_id] = item return -2 item[FRAME].row_id = self._len # I believe its faster to loop through and check than list comp # TODO: Add type checking # for key, val in item.items(): # assert equivalents.get(self._class_type(val), self._class_type(val)) == self._schema.col_type(self._schema.col_index(key)) for key, val in item.items(): self._data_as_list[self._schema.col_index(key)].put(val) self._len += 1 self._next_id += 1
[docs] def seal(self): """ Function to seal the dataframe. A sealed dataframe will not accept anymore data and the act of sealing the dataframe will trigger blocked iterators to pull the remaining data. """ with self._data_lock: self._sealed = True # Release all blocked iters. with self._block_lock: for _, id_event in self._map_blocked.items(): for _, event in id_event: event.set() self._map_blocked.clear() for _, id_event in self._window_start_blocked.items(): for _, event in id_event: event.set() self._window_start_blocked.clear() for _, id_event in self._window_end_blocked.items(): for _, event in id_event: event.set() self._window_end_blocked.clear()
def gc(self): self.gc_data() self.gc_blocked()
[docs] def gc_data(self): """Garbage collection function to trigger towhee.Array GC.""" with self._iterator_lock: vals = [value for _, value in self._iterators.items()] self._min_offset = min(vals + [self._len]) with self._data_lock: for x in self._data_as_list: x.gc(self._min_offset)
[docs] def gc_blocked(self): """Garbage collection for blocked iterator list.""" with self._block_lock: for key, val in list(self._map_blocked.items()): if len(val) == 0: del self._map_blocked[key] for key, val in list(self._window_start_blocked.items()): if len(val) == 0: del self._window_start_blocked[key] for key, val in list(self._window_end_blocked.items()): if len(val) == 0: del self._window_end_blocked[key]
[docs] def register_iter(self): """ Registering an iter allows the df to keep track of where each iterator is in order to coordinate garbage collection and other processes. Returns: An iterator ID that is used for a majority of iterator-dataframe interaction. """ with self._iterator_lock: self._it_id += 1 self._iterators[self._it_id] = 0 return self._it_id
[docs] def remove_iter(self, iter_id: int): """ Removing the iterator from the df. Allows for more garbage collecting. Args: iter_id (`int`): The iterator's id. """ self.unblock_iter(iter_id) try: with self._iterator_lock: if iter_id in self._iterators: del self._iterators[iter_id] except KeyError: pass
# self.gc_data()
[docs] def ack(self, offset: int, iter_id: int): """ An acknowledgement (ack) will notice the `DataFrame`s that the rows already iterated over are no longer used, and can be garbage collected. Up to this index but not including. Args: offset (`int`): The latest accepted offset. iter_id (`int`): The iterator id to set offset for. """ with self._iterator_lock: if self._iterators[iter_id] <= (offset): self._iterators[iter_id] = offset
# TODO: Figure out better algorithm for gc'ing # self.gc_data()
[docs] def notify_map_block(self, event: threading.Event, offset: int, count: int, iter_id: int): """ Used by map based iterators to notify the dataframe that it is waiting on a value. Args: event (`threading.Event`): The event to trigger once the value being waited on is available. offset (`int`): The offset that is being waited on. count (`int): How many values are being waited on. iter_id (`int`): The iterator id of the blocked iterator. """ with self._block_lock: index = offset + count if self._map_blocked.get(index) is None: self._map_blocked[index] = [] self._map_blocked[index].append((iter_id, event))
[docs] def notify_window_block(self, event: threading.Event, edge: str, cutoff: Tuple[str, int], iter_id: int): """ Used by window based iterators to notify the dataframe that it is waiting on a value. Args: iter_id (`int`): The iterator id of the blocked iterator. event (`threading.Event`): The event to trigger once the value being waited on is available. edge ('start', 'end'): Waiting for a value >= than start, or waiting for a value greater then end. cutoff ("timestamp" | "row_id", `int`): The window cutoff that is is being waited on. """ with self._block_lock: if edge == 'start': if self._window_start_blocked.get(cutoff) is None: self._window_start_blocked[cutoff] = [] self._window_start_blocked[cutoff].append((iter_id, event)) elif edge == 'end': if self._window_end_blocked.get(cutoff) is None: self._window_end_blocked[cutoff] = [] self._window_end_blocked[cutoff].append((iter_id, event))
[docs] def unblock_all(self): """Forceful unblocking/killing of all blocked iter.""" with self._block_lock: for _, id_event in self._map_blocked.items(): for it_id, event in id_event: del self._iterators[it_id] event.set() self._map_blocked.clear() for _, id_event in self._window_start_blocked.items(): for it_id, event in id_event: del self._iterators[it_id] event.set() self._window_start_blocked.clear() for _, id_event in self._window_end_blocked.items(): for it_id, event in id_event: del self._iterators[it_id] event.set() self._window_end_blocked.clear()
[docs] def unblock_iter(self, iter_id: int): """ Forceful unblocking/killing of the selected iter. Args: iter_id (`int`): The id of the iterator being unblocked. """ with self._block_lock: index = None for _, id_event in self._map_blocked.items(): for i, (ids, event) in enumerate(id_event): if ids == iter_id: del self._iterators[iter_id] event.set() index = i break if index is not None: del id_event[index] # self.gc_blocked() return for _, id_event in self._window_start_blocked.items(): for i, (ids, event) in enumerate(id_event): if ids == iter_id: del self._iterators[iter_id] event.set() index = i break if index is not None: del id_event[index] # self.gc_blocked() return for _, id_event in self._window_end_blocked.items(): for i, (ids, event) in enumerate(id_event): if ids == iter_id: del self._iterators[iter_id] event.set() index = i break if index is not None: del id_event[index] # self.gc_blocked() return
def _class_type(self, o): """Iternal function to find the full module path of object.""" module = o.__class__.__module__ if module is None or module == str.__class__.__module__: return o.__class__.__name__ return module + '.' + o.__class__.__name__