Source code for towhee.engine.execution.vectorized_execution

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# pylint: disable=bare-except

[docs]class VectorizedExecution: """ Vectorized execute operator on Arrow tables """ def __vcall__(self, *arg, **kws): self.__check_init__() # col-based computing supported if hasattr(self._op, '__vcall__'): return self._op.__vcall__(*arg, **kws) elif len(arg) == 1: res = [self._op(x) for x in arg[0]] if isinstance(self._index[1], tuple): return tuple(list(i) for i in zip(*res)) else: return res else: res = [self._op(*x) for x in zip(*arg)] if isinstance(self._index[1], tuple): return tuple(list(i) for i in zip(*res)) else: return res
# if bool(self._index): # args = [] # if isinstance(self._index[0], tuple): # # Multi inputs. # for col in self._index[0]: # buffer = arg[0][col].chunk(0).buffers()[-1] # shape = [-1, # *arg[0][col].chunk(0).type.shape] if isinstance( # arg[0][col].chunk(0), # TensorArray) else [len(arg[0][col]), -1] # dtype = arg[0][col].chunk(0).type.storage_type.value_type if isinstance(arg[0][col].chunk(0), TensorArray) \ # else arg[0][col].type.value_type if hasattr(arg[0][col].type, 'value_type') \ # else arg[0][col].type # dtype = dtype.to_pandas_dtype() # args.append( # np.frombuffer(buffer=buffer, # dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)) # else: # # Single input. # col = self._index[0] # buffer = arg[0][col].chunk(0).buffers()[-1] # shape = [-1, *arg[0][col].chunk(0).type.shape] if isinstance( # arg[0][col].chunk(0), # TensorArray) else [len(arg[0][col]), -1] # dtype = arg[0][col].chunk(0).type.storage_type.value_type if isinstance(arg[0][col].chunk(0), TensorArray) \ # else arg[0][col].type.value_type if hasattr(arg[0][col].type, 'value_type') \ # else arg[0][col].type # dtype = dtype.to_pandas_dtype() # args.append( # np.frombuffer(buffer=buffer, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)) # # args.append(arg[0][col].chunks[0].as_numpy()) # if hasattr(self._op, '__vcall__'): # res = self._op.__vcall__(*args, **kws) # if isinstance(res, tuple): # # Mulit outputs. # arrs = [TensorArray.from_numpy(x) for x in res] # table = arg[0] # for i, j in zip(self._index[1], arrs): # table = table.append_column(i, j) # return table # else: # # Single input. # arr = TensorArray.from_numpy(res) # table = arg[0].append_column(self._index[1], arr) # return table # else: # self.__call__(*args, **kws)