Source code for towhee.hub.operator_manager

# Copyright 2021 Zilliz. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import sys
from typing import Union
from pathlib import Path
from importlib import import_module

from towhee.hub.repo_manager import RepoManager
from towhee.utils.log import engine_log
from towhee.utils.yaml_utils import load_yaml, dump_yaml

[docs]class OperatorManager(RepoManager): """ The Repo Manager to manage the operator repos. Args: author (`str`): The author of the repo. repo (`str`): The name of the repo. root (`str`): The root url where the repo located. """
[docs] def __init__(self, author: str, repo: str, root: str = ''): super().__init__(author, repo, root) # 2 represents operators when creating a repo in Towhee's hub self._class = 2
[docs] def create(self, password: str) -> None: """ Create a repo under current account. Args: password (`str`): Current author's password. Raises: (`HTTPError`) Raise error in request. """ if self.exists():'%s/%s repo already exists.', self._author, self._repo) else: self.hub_utils.create(password, self._class)
[docs] def create_with_token(self, token: str) -> None: """ Create a repo under current account. Args: token (`str`): Current author's token. Raises: (`HTTPError`) Raise error in request. """ if self.exists():'%s/%s repo already exists.', self._author, self._repo) else: self.hub_utils.create_repo(token, self._class)
[docs] def init_nnoperator(self, file_temp: Union[str, Path], file_dest: Union[str, Path], framework: str = 'pytorch') -> None: """ Initialize the files under file_dest by moving and updating the text under file_temp. Args: file_temp (`Union[str, Path]`): The path to the template files. file_dest (`Union[str, Path]`): The path to the local repo to init. framework (`str, Path`): The framework for the model, defaults to 'pytorch' Raises: (`HTTPError`) Raise error in request. (`OSError`) Raise error in writing file. """ repo_temp = self._temp['nnoperator'] ori_str_list = [f'author/{repo_temp}', repo_temp, ''.join(x.title() for x in repo_temp.split('-')), 'pytorch'] tar_str_list = [f'{self._author}/{self._repo}', self._repo, ''.join(x.title() for x in self._repo.split('-')), framework] for file in Path(file_temp).glob('*'): if'.md', '.yaml', '', '')): new_file = Path(file_dest) / str('-', '_'), self._repo.replace('-', '_')) self.hub_utils.update_text(ori_str_list, tar_str_list, str(file), str(new_file)) elif != '.git': os.rename(file, Path(file_dest) / if framework != 'pytorch': os.rename(Path(file_dest) / 'pytorch', Path(file_dest) / framework)
[docs] def init_pyoperator(self, file_temp: Union[str, Path], file_dest: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """ Initialize the files under file_dest by moving and updating the text under file_temp. Args: file_temp (`Union[str, Path]`): The path to the template files. file_dest (`Union[str, Path]`): The path to the local repo to init. Raises: (`HTTPError`) Raise error in request. (`OSError`) Raise error in writing file. """ repo_temp = self._temp['pyoperator'] temp_module = repo_temp.replace('-', '_') repo_module = self._repo.replace('-', '_') ori_str_list = [f'namespace.{temp_module}', temp_module, repo_temp, ''.join(x.title() for x in repo_temp.split('-'))] tar_str_list = [f'{self._author}.{repo_module}', repo_module, self._repo, ''.join(x.title() for x in self._repo.split('-'))] for file in Path(file_temp).glob('*'): if'.md', '.yaml', '', '')): new_file = Path(file_dest) / str(, repo_module) self.hub_utils.update_text(ori_str_list, tar_str_list, str(file), str(new_file)) elif != '.git': os.rename(file, Path(file_dest) /
[docs] def generate_yaml(self, local_dir: Union[str, Path] = Path.cwd()) -> None: """ Generate the yaml of Operator. Args: local_dir (`Union[str, Path]`): The directory to the repo. """ sys.path.append(str(local_dir)) yaml_file = Path(local_dir) / (self._repo.replace('-', '_') + '.yaml') if yaml_file.exists(): engine_log.error('There already exists %s.', yaml_file) return class_name = ''.join(x.title() for x in self._repo.split('-')) author_operator = self._author + '/' + self._repo # import the class from repo cls = getattr(import_module(self._repo.replace('-', '_')), class_name) init_args = cls.__init__.__annotations__ try: del init_args['return'] except KeyError: pass call_func = cls.__call__.__annotations__ try: call_output = call_func.pop('return') call_output = call_output.__annotations__ except KeyError: pass data = { 'name': self._repo, 'labels': { 'recommended_framework': '', 'class': '', 'others': '' }, 'operator': author_operator, 'init': self.hub_utils.convert_dict(init_args), 'call': { 'input': self.hub_utils.convert_dict(call_func), 'output': self.hub_utils.convert_dict(call_output) } } with open(yaml_file, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as outfile: dump_yaml(data, outfile)
[docs] def check(self, local_dir: Union[str, Path] = Path().cwd()) -> bool: """ Check if the main file exists and match the file name. Args: local_dir (`Union[str, Path]`): The directory to the repo. Returns: (`bool`) Check if passed. """ # check if the main file exists and match the file name file_name = self._repo.replace('-', '_') for file in [f'{file_name}.py', f'{file_name}.yaml']: if not (Path(local_dir) / file).exists(): return False return self.check_yaml(local_dir)
[docs] def check_yaml(self, local_dir: Union[str, Path] = Path().cwd()) -> bool: """ Check if the yaml file matches the format. Args: local_dir (`Union[str, Path]`): The directory to the repo. Returns: (`bool`) Check if passed. """ try: yaml_file = Path(local_dir) / (self._repo.replace('-', '_') + '.yaml') with open(yaml_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as input_file: dicts = load_yaml(input_file) if 'init' in dicts.keys() and dicts['call']['input'] is not None and dicts['call']['output'] is not None: return True except KeyError: return False