Source code for towhee.models.layers.spatial_temporal_cls_positional_encoding

# Copyright 2021  Facebook. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# This code is modified by Zilliz.

import torch
from torch import nn

[docs]class SpatialTemporalClsPositionalEncoding(nn.Module): """ Add a cls token and apply a spatial-temporal encoding to a tensor. Args: embed_dim(int): Embedding dimension for input sequence. patch_embed_shape(Tuple): The number of patches in each dimension (T, H, W) after patch embedding. sep_pos_embed(bool): If set to true, one positional encoding is used for spatial patches and another positional encoding is used for temporal sequence. Otherwise, only one positional encoding is used for all the patches. has_cls(bool): If set to true, a cls token is added in the beginning of each input sequence. """
[docs] def __init__( self, embed_dim, patch_embed_shape, sep_pos_embed=False, has_cls=True, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.embed_dim = embed_dim self.patch_embed_shape = patch_embed_shape self.sep_pos_embed = sep_pos_embed self.has_cls = has_cls assert ( len(self.patch_embed_shape) == 3 ), "Patch_embed_shape should be in the form of (T, H, W)." self.num_spatial_patch = patch_embed_shape[1] * patch_embed_shape[2] self.num_temporal_patch = patch_embed_shape[0] if self.has_cls: self.cls_token = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, 1, self.embed_dim)) num_patches = self.num_spatial_patch * self.num_temporal_patch + 1 else: num_patches = self.num_spatial_patch * self.num_temporal_patch if self.sep_pos_embed: self.pos_embed_spatial = nn.Parameter( torch.zeros(1, self.num_spatial_patch, self.embed_dim) ) self.pos_embed_temporal = nn.Parameter( torch.zeros(1, self.num_temporal_patch, self.embed_dim) ) if self.has_cls: self.pos_embed_class = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, 1, self.embed_dim)) else: self.pos_embed = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, num_patches, self.embed_dim))
def get_patch_embed_shape(self): return self.patch_embed_shape
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: x(torch.Tensor): Input tensor. """ b, _, _ = x.shape if self.has_cls: cls_tokens = self.cls_token.expand(b, -1, -1) x =, x), dim=1) if self.sep_pos_embed: pos_embed = self.pos_embed_spatial.repeat( 1, self.num_temporal_patch, 1 ) + torch.repeat_interleave( self.pos_embed_temporal, self.num_spatial_patch, dim=1, ) if self.has_cls: pos_embed =[self.pos_embed_class, pos_embed], 1) x = x + pos_embed else: x = x + self.pos_embed return x