Source code for towhee.serve.triton.triton_config_builder

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Any

import towhee.serve.triton.type_gen as tygen

[docs]class TritonModelConfigBuilder: """ This class is used to generate a triton model config file. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model_spec: Dict): self.model_spec = model_spec
@staticmethod def _get_triton_schema(schema: List[Tuple[Any, Tuple]], var_prefix): type_info_list = tygen.get_type_info(schema) attr_info_list = [attr_info for type_info in type_info_list for attr_info in type_info.attr_info] schema = {} for i, attr_info in enumerate(attr_info_list): var = var_prefix + str(i) dtype = attr_info.triton_dtype shape = list(attr_info.shape) schema[var] = (dtype, shape) return schema @staticmethod def get_input_schema(schema: List[Tuple[Any, Tuple]]): return TritonModelConfigBuilder._get_triton_schema(schema, 'INPUT') @staticmethod def get_output_schema(schema: List[Tuple[Any, Tuple]]): return TritonModelConfigBuilder._get_triton_schema(schema, 'OUTPUT')
[docs]def create_modelconfig(model_name, max_batch_size, inputs, outputs, backend, enable_dynamic_batching=False, preferred_batch_size=None, max_queue_delay_microseconds=None, instance_count=1, device_ids=None): ''' example of input and output: { INPUT0': ('TYPE_INT8', [-1, -1, 3]), INPUT1': ('TYPE_FP32', [-1, -1, 3]) } ''' config = 'name: "{}"\n'.format(model_name) config += 'backend: "{}"\n'.format(backend) config += 'max_batch_size: {}\n'.format(max_batch_size) if enable_dynamic_batching: config += ''' dynamic_batching { ''' if preferred_batch_size is not None: config += ''' preferred_batch_size: {} '''.format(preferred_batch_size) if max_queue_delay_microseconds is not None: config += ''' max_queue_delay_microseconds: {} '''.format(max_queue_delay_microseconds) config += ''' }\n''' for input_name in inputs.keys(): data_type, shape = inputs[input_name] config += ''' input [ {{ name: \"{}\" data_type: {} dims: {} }} ]\n'''.format(input_name, data_type, shape) for output_name in outputs.keys(): data_type, shape = outputs[output_name] config += ''' output [ {{ name: \"{}\" data_type: {} dims: {} }} ]\n'''.format(output_name, data_type, shape) if device_ids is not None: config += ''' instance_group [ {{ kind: KIND_GPU count: {} gpus: {} }} ]\n'''.format(instance_count, device_ids) else: config += ''' instance_group [ {{ kind: KIND_CPU count: {} }} ]\n'''.format(instance_count) return config
[docs]class EnsembleConfigBuilder: ''' Create ensemble config. Currently, we just support a chain struct graph. Example of input dag: triton_dag = { 0: { 'id': 0, 'mode_name': 'image_decode', 'model_version': 1, 'inputs': { 'INPUT0': ('TYPE_STRING', []), }, 'outputs': { 'OUTPUT0': ('TYPE_INT8', [-1, -1, 3]), 'OUTPUT1': ('TYPE_STRING', []), }, 'child_ids': [1] }, 1: { 'id': 1, 'mode_name': 'clip_preprocess', 'model_version': 1, 'inputs': { 'IUTPUT0': ('TYPE_INT8', [-1, -1, 3]), 'IUTPUT1': ('TYPE_STRING', []), }, 'outputs': { 'OUTPUT0': ('TYPE_FP32', [-1, 3, 224, 224]) }, 'child_ids': [2] }, 2: { 'id': 2, 'mode_name': 'clip_model', 'model_version': 1, 'inputs': { 'IUTPUT0': ('TYPE_FP32', [-1, 3, 224, 224]) }, 'outputs': { 'OUTPUT0': ('TYPE_FP32', [-1, 512]) }, 'child_ids': [3] }, 3: { 'id': 3, 'mode_name': 'clip_postprocess', 'model_version': 1, 'inputs': { 'IUTPUT0': ('TYPE_FP32', [-1, 512]) }, 'outputs': { 'OUTPUT0': ('TYPE_FP32', [512]) }, 'child_ids': [] } } '''
[docs] def __init__(self, dag, model_name, max_batch_size): self._dag = dag self._model_name = model_name self._max_batch_size = max_batch_size self._head = None self._tail = None
def _process_dag(self): ''' Find out head and tail. Add input_map and output_map for every node. ''' all_keys = list(self._dag.keys()) no_root = [] for k, v in self._dag.items(): if v['child_ids']: no_root.extend(v['child_ids']) for name in v['child_ids']: if self._dag[name].get('parent_ids') is None: self._dag[name]['parent_ids'] = [] self._dag[name]['parent_ids'].append(k) else: self._tail = v head = set(all_keys) - set(no_root) assert len(head) == 1 self._head = self._dag[list(head)[0]] self._dag[list(head)[0]]['parent_ids'] = [] self._head['input_map'] = [(input, input) for input in self._head['input'].keys()] self._tail['output_map'] = [(output, output) for output in self._tail['output'].keys()] # add output_map for name, v in self._dag.items(): if name == self._tail['id']: continue output_map = [] for output in v['output']: output_map.append((output, '_'.join([str(name), output]))) v['output_map'] = output_map # add input_map for name, v in self._dag.items(): if len(v['parent_ids']) == 0: continue input_map = [] assert len(v['parent_ids']) == 1 parent_id = v['parent_ids'][0] parent_outputs = self._dag[parent_id]['output_map'] inputs = list(v['input'].keys()) assert len(parent_outputs) == len(inputs) for i in range(len(parent_outputs)): input_map.append((inputs[i], parent_outputs[i][1])) v['input_map'] = input_map def _gen_header(self): config = 'name: "{}"\n'.format(self._model_name) config += 'platform: "ensemble"\n' config += 'max_batch_size: {}\n'.format(self._max_batch_size) for input_name in self._head['input'].keys(): data_type, shape = self._head['input'][input_name] config += ''' input [ {{ name: \"{}\" data_type: {} dims: {} }} ]\n'''.format(input_name, data_type, shape) for output_name in self._tail['output'].keys(): data_type, shape = self._tail['output'][output_name] config += ''' output [ {{ name: \"{}\" data_type: {} dims: {} }} ]\n'''.format(output_name, data_type, shape) return config def _gen_single_step(self, model_name, inputs, outputs, is_tail): config = ''' {{ model_name: \"{}\" model_version: {} '''.format(model_name, 1) for data in inputs: config += ''' input_map {{ key: \"{}\" value: \"{}\" }} '''.format(data[0], data[1]) for output in outputs: config += ''' output_map {{ key: \"{}\" value: \"{}\" }} '''.format(output[0], output[1]) config += ' }' if not is_tail: config += ',\n' else: config += '\n' return config def _gen_steps(self): config = ''' step [\n''' items = list(self._dag.values()) size = len(items) for i in range(size): step = items[i] config += self._gen_single_step(step['model_name'], step['input_map'], step['output_map'], i == size - 1) config += ' ]\n' return config def _gen_ensemble_scheduling(self): config = ''' ensemble_scheduling: {\n''' config += self._gen_steps() config += '}' return config def gen_config(self): self._process_dag() config = self._gen_header() config += self._gen_ensemble_scheduling() return config