Source code for towhee.utils.repo_normalize

# Copyright 2021 Zilliz. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import re
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qsl, urlsplit
from typing import NamedTuple

[docs]class RepoNormalize: """ To normalize the repo. Args: uri (`str`): The uri of the repo. """
[docs] def __init__(self, uri: str): self._uri = uri self._scheme = 'https' self._netloc = '' self._author = 'towhee' self._ref = 'main' self._has_ns = True
[docs] def parse_uri(self) -> NamedTuple('ParseResult', [('full_uri', str), ('author', str), ('repo', str), ('ref', str), ('repo_type', str), ('norm_repo', str), ('module_name', str), ('class_name', str), ('scheme', str), ('netloc', str), ('query', dict)]): """ Parse the uri. Returns: (`NamedTuple[str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str, dict]`) Return the `full_uri` and its components: `author`, `repo`, `ref`, `repo_type`, `norm_repo`, `module_name`, `class_name`, `scheme`, `netloc`, `query`. """ full_uri = self.get_full_uri() result = urlparse(full_uri) author, repo = result.path.split('/')[1:] query = dict(parse_qsl(result.query)) ref = query.pop('ref') norm_repo, module_name, class_name = self.get_name(repo) ParseResult = NamedTuple('ParseResult', [('full_uri', str), ('author', str), ('repo', str), ('ref', str), ('repo_type', str), ('norm_repo', str), ('module_name', str), ('class_name', str), ('scheme', str), ('netloc', str), ('query', dict), ('has_ns', bool)]) return ParseResult(full_uri, author, repo, ref, result.fragment, norm_repo, module_name, class_name, result.scheme, result.netloc, query, self.has_ns)
[docs] def get_full_uri(self) -> str: """ Get the full uri. Returns: (`str`) The full uri from self._uri. """ result = urlsplit(self._uri) path = result.path query = dict(parse_qsl(result.query)) if not result.scheme: result = result._replace(scheme=self._scheme) if not result.netloc: result = result._replace(netloc=self._netloc) if 'ref' not in query: result = result._replace(query=f'{result.query}&ref={self._ref}') if path.endswith(']'): path = self.mapping(path) if '/' not in path: self._has_ns = False result = result._replace(path=f'/{self._author}/{path}') elif len(path.split('/')) == 2: result = result._replace(path=f'/{path}') full_uri = result.geturl() return full_uri
[docs] def check_uri(self) -> bool: """ Check if the uri matches the format. Returns: (`bool`) Check if passed. Raises: (`ValueError`) Raise error when false. """ result = urlparse(self._uri) path = result.path.split('/') if len(path) == 1: repo = path[0] elif len(path) == 2: repo = path[1] elif len(path) == 3 and path[0] == '': repo = path[2] else: return False return self.check_repo(repo)
def url_valid(self) -> bool: regex = re.compile( r'^(?:http|ftp)s?://' # http:// or https:// r'(?:(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\.)+(?:[A-Z]{2,6}\.?|[A-Z0-9-]{2,}\.?)|' # domain... r'localhost|' # localhost... r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})' # ...or ip r'(?::\d+)?' # optional port r'(?:/?|[/?]\S+)$', re.IGNORECASE) if re.match(regex, self._uri) is not None: return True return False @property def has_ns(self): return self._has_ns
[docs] @staticmethod def mapping(path: str) -> str: """ Mapping the path(endswith']'), like repo[framework] to repo-framework. Args: path (`str`): The path to the uri. Returns: (`str`) Check if passed. Raises: (`ValueError`) Raise error when the path does not match the format. """ try: if not path.endswith(']'): raise ValueError repo, framework = path.strip(']').split('[') path = f'{repo}-{framework}' return path except ValueError: raise ValueError(f'{path} does not match the \'[/author/]repo-name[framework]\' format!') from ValueError
[docs] @staticmethod def check_repo(repo: str) -> bool: """ Check if the repo name matches the format. Args: repo (`str`): Repo name. Returns: (`bool`) Check if matched. Raises: (`ValueError`) Raise error if false. """ repo_list = repo.strip(']').split('[') if '_' not in repo and (repo.endswith(']') and len(repo_list) == 2 or len(repo_list) == 1 and not repo.endswith(']')): return True else: raise ValueError(f'repo: {repo} does not match the \'repo-name[framework]\' format!')
[docs] @staticmethod def get_name(repo: str) -> NamedTuple('OpResult', [('repo_name', str), ('module_name', str), ('class_name', str)]): """ Get the name for repo: normalized repo name, module name, and class name. Args: repo (`str`): Repo name. Returns: (`NamedTuple[str, str, str]`) Return the name for repo: `repo_name`, `module_name`, `class_name`. """ repo_name = repo.replace('_', '-') module_name = repo_name.replace('-', '_') class_name = ''.join(x.capitalize() or '_' for x in repo_name.split('-')) OpResult = NamedTuple('OpResult', [('repo_name', str), ('module_name', str), ('class_name', str)]) return OpResult(repo_name, module_name, class_name)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_op(repo: str) -> NamedTuple('OpResult', [('repo', str), ('py_file', str), ('yaml_file', str), ('class_name', str)]): """ Get the required name for operator: normalized repo name, python file name, yaml file name and class name. Args: repo (`str`): Repo name. Returns: (`NamedTuple[str, str, str, str]`) Return the required name for operator: `repo`, `py_file`, `yaml_file`, `class_name`. """ repo_name = repo.replace('_', '-') file_name = repo_name.replace('-', '_') class_name = ''.join(x.capitalize() or '_' for x in repo_name.split('-')) OpResult = NamedTuple('OpResult', [('repo', str), ('py_file', str), ('yaml_file', str), ('class_name', str)]) return OpResult(repo_name, f'{file_name}.py', f'{file_name}.yaml', class_name)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_pipeline(repo: str) -> NamedTuple('PipelineResult', [('repo', str), ('yaml_file', str)]): """ Get the required name for pipeline: normalized repo name and yaml file name. Args: repo (`str`): Repo name. Returns: (`NamedTuple[str, str]`) Return the required name for operator: `repo`, `yaml_file`. """ repo_name = repo.replace('_', '-') file_name = repo_name.replace('-', '_') PipelineResult = NamedTuple('PipelineResult', [('repo', str), ('yaml_file', str)]) return PipelineResult(repo_name, f'{file_name}.yaml')