Source code for towhee.engine.factory

# Copyright 2021 Zilliz. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# pylint: disable=unused-import
# pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value

import os
import threading
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple

from towhee.dataframe import DataFrame
from towhee.pipeline_format import OutputFormat
from towhee.engine.pipeline import Pipeline
from towhee.engine.engine import Engine, start_engine
from towhee.engine.operator_loader import OperatorLoader
from towhee.hub.file_manager import FileManager
from towhee.hparam.hyperparameter import dynamic_dispatch, param_scope
from towhee.hub import preclude

from .execution.base_execution import BaseExecution
from .execution.pandas_execution import PandasExecution
from .execution.stateful_execution import StatefulExecution
from .execution.vectorized_execution import VectorizedExecution

[docs]def op(operator_src: str, tag: str = 'main', arg: List[Any] = [], kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}): """ Create the supplied operator. Entry method which takes either operator tasks or paths to python files or class in notebook. An `Operator` object is created with the init args(kwargs). Args: operator_src (str): Operator name or python file location or class in notebook. tag (str, optional): Which tag to use for operators on hub. Defaults to 'main'. arg (List[Any], optional): Operator `args` to pass in. Defaults to []. kwargs (Dict[str, Any], optional): Operator `kwargs` to pass in. Defaults to {}. Returns: operator: The operator. """ if isinstance(operator_src, type): class_op = type('operator', (operator_src, ), kwargs) return class_op.__new__(class_op, **kwargs) loader = OperatorLoader() if os.path.isfile(operator_src): return loader.load_operator_from_path(operator_src, arg, kwargs) else: return loader.load_operator(operator_src, arg, kwargs, tag)
class _OperatorLazyWrapper( # BaseExecution, # PandasExecution, # StatefulExecution, # VectorizedExecution): """ Operator wrapper for lazy initialization. Inherits from different execution strategies. """ def __init__(self, real_name: str, index: Tuple[str], tag: str = 'main', arg: List[Any] = [], kws: Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> None: self._name = real_name.replace('.', '/').replace('_', '-') self._index = index self._tag = tag self._arg = arg self._kws = kws self._op = None self._lock = threading.Lock() self._op_config = self._kws.pop('op_config', None) # TODO: (How to apply such config) def __check_init__(self): with self._lock: if self._op is None: # Called with param scope in order to pass index in to op. with param_scope(index=self._index): self._op = op(self._name, self._tag, arg=self._arg, kwargs=self._kws) if hasattr(self._op, '__vcall__'): self.__has_vcall__ = True def get_op(self): self.__check_init__() return self._op @property def op_config(self): self.__check_init__() return self._op_config @property def function(self): return self._name @property def init_args(self): return self._kws @staticmethod def callback(real_name: str, index: Tuple[str], *arg, **kws): return _OperatorLazyWrapper(real_name, index, arg=arg, kws=kws) # TODO: move to different location DEFAULT_PIPELINES = { 'image-embedding': 'towhee/image-embedding-resnet50', 'image-encoding': 'towhee/image-embedding-resnet50', # TODO: add encoders 'music-embedding': 'towhee/music-embedding-vggish', 'music-encoding': 'towhee/music-embedding-clmr', # TODO: clmr -> encoder } class _PipelineWrapper: """ A wrapper class around `Pipeline`. The class prevents users from having to create `DataFrame` instances by hand. Args: pipeline_ (towhee.Pipeline): Base `Pipeline` instance for which this object will provide a wrapper for. """ def __init__(self, pipeline_: Pipeline): self._pipeline = pipeline_ def __call__(self, *args) -> List[Tuple]: """ Wrap the input arguments around a `Dataframe` for Pipeline.__call__(). """ if not args: raise RuntimeError('Input data is empty') cols = [] vargs = [] for i, arg in enumerate(args): vtype = type(arg).__name__ cols.append(('Col_' + str(i), str(vtype))) vargs.append(arg) vargs = tuple(vargs) # Process the data through the pipeline. in_df = DataFrame('_in_df', cols) in_df.put(vargs) out_df = self._pipeline(in_df) format_handler = OutputFormat.get_format_handler( self._pipeline.pipeline_type) return format_handler(out_df) def __repr__(self) -> str: return repr(self._pipeline) @property def pipeline(self) -> Pipeline: return self._pipeline
[docs]def pipeline(pipeline_src: str, tag: str = 'main', install_reqs: bool = True, **kwargs): """ Entry method which takes either an input task or path to an operator YAML. A `Pipeline` object is created (based on said task) and subsequently added to the existing `Engine`. Args: pipeline_src (str): Pipeline name or YAML file location to use. tag (str, optional): Which tag to use for operators/pipelines on hub. Defaults to 'main'. install_reqs (bool, optional): Whether to download the python packages if a requirements.txt file is included in the repo.. Defaults to True. Returns: _PipelineWrapper: The `Pipeline` output. """ from_ops = kwargs['from_ops'] if 'from_ops' in kwargs else False start_engine() if os.path.isfile(pipeline_src): yaml_path = pipeline_src else: fm = FileManager() p_repo = DEFAULT_PIPELINES.get(pipeline_src, pipeline_src) yaml_path = fm.get_pipeline(p_repo, tag, install_reqs, from_ops) engine = Engine() pipeline_ = Pipeline(str(yaml_path)) with param_scope() as hp: if not hp().towhee.dry_run(False): engine.add_pipeline(pipeline_) return _PipelineWrapper(pipeline_)
class _PipelineBuilder: """ Build a pipeline with template variables. A pipeline template is a yaml file contains `template variables`, which will be replaced by `variable values` when createing pipeline instance. Examples: ```yaml name: template_name variables: <<-- define variables and default values template_variable_1: default_value_1 template_variable_2: default_value_2 .... operator: function: {template_variable_1} <<-- refer to the variable by name ``` You can specialize template variable values with the following code: ```python pipe = _PipelineBuilder(template_variable_1='new_value').pipeline('pipeline_name') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kws) -> None: self._kws = kws def pipeline(self, *arg, **kws): with param_scope() as hp: hp().variables = self._kws return pipeline(*arg, **kws) @staticmethod def callback(name, index, *arg, **kws): name = name.replace('.', '/').replace('_', '-') _ = index return _PipelineBuilder(**kws).pipeline(name, *arg, from_ops=True) @dynamic_dispatch def ops(*arg, **kws): """ Create operator instance. Entry point for creating operator instances, for example: >>> op_instance = ops.my_namespace.my_repo_name(init_arg1=xxx, init_arg2=xxx) """ # pylint: disable=protected-access with param_scope() as hp: real_name = hp._name index = hp._index return _OperatorLazyWrapper.callback(real_name, index, *arg, **kws) @dynamic_dispatch def pipes(*arg, **kws): """ Create pipeline instance. Entry point for creating pipeline instances, for example: >>> pipe_instance = pipes.my_namespace.my_repo_name(init_arg1=xxx, init_arg2=xxx) """ # pylint: disable=protected-access with param_scope() as hp: real_name = hp._name index = hp._index return _PipelineBuilder.callback(real_name, index, *arg, **kws)
[docs]def create_op(func, name: str = 'tmp', index: Tuple[str] = None, arg: List[Any] = [], kws: Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> None: # pylint: disable=protected-access operator = _OperatorLazyWrapper(name, index, arg=arg, kws=kws) operator._op = func return operator