Source code for towhee.functional.mixins.column

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from enum import Flag, auto

from towhee.hparam.hyperparameter import param_scope

from towhee.functional.storages import ChunkedTable, WritableTable

# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
# pylint: disable=bare-except
[docs]class ColumnMixin: """Mixins to support column-based storage. """
[docs] class ModeFlag(Flag): ROWBASEDFLAG = auto() COLBASEDFLAG = auto() CHUNKBASEDFLAG = auto()
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() with param_scope() as hp: parent = hp().data_collection.parent(None) if parent is not None and hasattr(parent, '_chunksize'): self._chunksize = parent._chunksize
[docs] def set_chunksize(self, chunksize): """Set chunk size for arrow Args: chuksize (int): How many rows per chunk. Return: DataCollection: New DataCollection converted to Table. Examples: >>> import towhee >>> dc_1 = towhee.dc['a'](range(20)) >>> dc_1 = dc_1.set_chunksize(10) >>> dc_2 = dc_1.runas_op['a', 'b'](func=lambda x: x+1) >>> dc_1.get_chunksize(), dc_2.get_chunksize() (10, 10) >>> dc_2._iterable.chunks() [pyarrow.Table a: int64 b: int64 ---- a: [[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]] b: [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]], pyarrow.Table a: int64 b: int64 ---- a: [[10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19]] b: [[11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]]] >>> dc_3 = towhee.dc['a'](range(20)).stream() >>> dc_3 = dc_3.set_chunksize(10) >>> dc_4 = dc_3.runas_op['a', 'b'](func=lambda x: x+1) >>> dc_4._iterable.chunks() [pyarrow.Table a: int64 b: int64 ---- a: [[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]] b: [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]], pyarrow.Table a: int64 b: int64 ---- a: [[10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19]] b: [[11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]]] """ self._chunksize = chunksize chunked_table = ChunkedTable(chunksize=chunksize, stream=self.is_stream) chunked_table.feed(self._iterable) return self._factory(chunked_table, parent_stream=False, mode=self.ModeFlag.CHUNKBASEDFLAG)
def get_chunksize(self): return self._chunksize def _create_col_table(self): """Create a column-based table. Returns: pyarrow.Table: The columnar table. Examples: >>> from towhee import Entity, DataFrame >>> e = [Entity(a=a, b=b) for a,b in zip(['abc', 'def', 'ghi'], [1,2,3])] >>> df = DataFrame(e) >>> table = df._create_col_table() >>> table pyarrow.Table a: string b: int64 ---- a: [["abc","def","ghi"]] b: [[1,2,3]] >>> pyarrow.Table a: string b: int64 ---- a: [["abc","def","ghi"]] b: [[1,2,3]] """ from towhee.utils.thirdparty.pyarrow_utils import pa from towhee.types.tensor_array import TensorArray header = None cols = None # cols = [[getattr(entity, col) for entity in self._iterable] for col in header] def inner(entity): nonlocal cols, header header = [*entity.__dict__] if not header else header cols = [[] for _ in header] if not cols else cols for col, name in zip(cols, header): col.append(getattr(entity, name)) for entity in self._iterable: inner(entity) arrays = [] for col in cols: try: arrays.append(pa.array(col)) # pylint: disable=bare-except except: arrays.append(TensorArray.from_numpy(col)) return pa.Table.from_arrays(arrays, names=header)
[docs] @classmethod def create_arrow_table(cls, **kws): """Convert kwargs to Table. Returns: pyarrow.Table: The Table from the kwargs. """ from towhee.utils.thirdparty.pyarrow_utils import pa arrays = [] names = [] for k, v in kws.items(): arrays.append(v) names.append(k) return pa.Table.from_arrays(arrays, names=names)
[docs] def to_column(self): """Convert the DataCollection to column-based table DataCollection. Returns: DataCollection: The current DC converted to Table DC. Examples: >>> from towhee import Entity, DataFrame >>> e = [Entity(a=a, b=b) for a,b in zip(['abc', 'def', 'ghi'], [1,2,3])] >>> df = DataFrame(e) >>> df [<Entity dict_keys(['a', 'b'])>, <Entity dict_keys(['a', 'b'])>, <Entity dict_keys(['a', 'b'])>] >>> df.to_column() pyarrow.Table a: string b: int64 ---- a: [["abc","def","ghi"]] b: [[1,2,3]] """ # pylint: disable=protected-access df = self.to_df() res = df._create_col_table() df._iterable = WritableTable(res) df._mode = self.ModeFlag.COLBASEDFLAG return df
[docs] def cmap(self, unary_op): """Chunked map. Args: unary_op (callable): The operation to map. Returns: DataCollection: A new DataCollection after mapping. Examples: >>> import towhee >>> dc = towhee.dc['a'](range(10)) >>> dc = dc.to_column() >>> dc = dc.runas_op['a', 'b'](func=lambda x: x+1) >>>, tablefmt='plain') a b 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 >>> dc._iterable pyarrow.Table a: int64 b: int64 ---- a: [[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]] b: [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]] >>> len(dc._iterable) 10 """ # pylint: disable=protected-access if self.get_executor() is None: if isinstance(self._iterable, ChunkedTable): if not self.is_stream: tables = [WritableTable(self.__table_apply__(chunk, unary_op)) for chunk in self._iterable.chunks()] else: tables = (WritableTable(self.__table_apply__(chunk, unary_op)) for chunk in self._iterable.chunks()) return self._factory(ChunkedTable(chunks = tables)) return self._factory(self.__table_apply__(self._iterable, unary_op)) else: return self.pmap(unary_op)
def __table_apply__(self, table, unary_op): # pylint: disable=protected-access return table.write_many(unary_op._index[1], self.__col_apply__(table, unary_op)) def __col_apply__(self, cols, unary_op): """Columnar apply. Args: cols (list): List of columns to apply op to. unary_op (callable): The operation Returns: DataCollection: The datacollection with callable applied. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access from towhee.utils.thirdparty.pyarrow_utils import pa from towhee.types.tensor_array import TensorArray import numpy as np args = [] # Multi inputs. if isinstance(unary_op._index[0], tuple): for name in unary_op._index[0]: try: data = cols[name].combine_chunks() except: data = cols[name].chunk(0) buffer = data.buffers()[-1] dtype = data.type if isinstance(data, TensorArray): dtype = dtype.storage_type.value_type elif hasattr(data.type, 'value_type'): while hasattr(dtype, 'value_type'): dtype = dtype.value_type dtype = dtype.to_pandas_dtype() shape = [-1, *data.type.shape] if isinstance(data, TensorArray)\ else [len(data), -1] if isinstance(data, pa.lib.ListArray)\ else [len(data)] args.append( np.frombuffer(buffer=buffer, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)) # args.append(data.to_numpy(zero_copy_only=False).reshape(shape)) # Single input. else: try: data = cols[unary_op._index[0]].combine_chunks() except: data = cols[unary_op._index[0]].chunk(0) buffer = data.buffers()[-1] dtype = data.type if isinstance(data, TensorArray): dtype = dtype.storage_type.value_type elif hasattr(data.type, 'value_type'): while hasattr(dtype, 'value_type'): dtype = dtype.value_type dtype = dtype.to_pandas_dtype() shape = [-1, *data.type.shape] if isinstance(data, TensorArray)\ else [len(data), -1] if isinstance(data, pa.lib.ListArray)\ else [len(data)] args.append( np.frombuffer(buffer=buffer, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)) # args.append(data.to_numpy(zero_copy_only=False).reshape(shape)) return unary_op.__vcall__(*args)