Source code for towhee.functional.mixins.compile

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from towhee.utils.log import engine_log
from towhee.hparam import param_scope
from towhee.engine.factory import ops, op
from towhee.engine.operator_registry import OperatorRegistry

[docs]class NumbaCompiler: """ The just-in-time Compiler with numba. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, index, *arg, **kws): from towhee.utils.thirdparty.numba_utils import njit # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel name_func = [name + '_func', name.replace('_', '-') + '_func'] for n in name_func: func = OperatorRegistry.resolve(n) if func is not None: break if func is None: engine_log.warning( 'The Operator: %s is not of types.FunctionType.', name) raise RuntimeError( f'The Operator: {name} is not of types.FunctionType.') self._func = njit(func, nogil=True) self._op = getattr(ops, name)[index](*arg, **kws) self._name = name self._index = index self._first = True self._success = True
def __apply__(self, *arg): # Multi inputs. if isinstance(self._index[0], tuple): args = [getattr(arg[0], x) for x in self._index[0]] # Single input. else: args = [getattr(arg[0], self._index[0])] return self._func(*args) def jit_call(self, *arg, **kws): if bool(kws): engine_log.warning( 'The compiled function in Numba does not support kwargs.') raise KeyError( 'The compiled function in Numba does not support kwargs.') if bool(self._index): res = self.__apply__(*arg) # Multi outputs. if isinstance(res, tuple): if not isinstance(self._index[1], tuple) or len(self._index[1]) != len(res): raise IndexError( f'Op has {len(res)} outputs, but {len(self._index[1])} indices are given.' ) for i, j in zip(self._index[1], res): setattr(arg[0], i, j) # Single output. else: setattr(arg[0], self._index[1], res) return arg[0] else: res = self._func(*arg) return res
[docs] def __call__(self, *arg, **kws): if self._first: self._first = False try: return self.jit_call(*arg, **kws) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except self._success = False engine_log.warning( 'Failed to speed up your function:%s with error:%s in JIT mode, will back to Python interpreter.', self._name, e) return self._op.__call__(*arg, **kws) elif self._success: return self.jit_call(*arg, **kws) else: return self._op.__call__(*arg, **kws)
[docs]class TowheeCompiler: # pragma: no cover """ Towhee's just-in-time compiler """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, index, *arg, **kws): from towhee.utils.jit_utils import jit_compile # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel self._name = name self._index = index self._compiler = jit_compile() op_name = self._name.replace('.', '/').replace('_', '-') with param_scope(index=self._index): self._op = op(op_name, 'main', arg, kws)
def set_compiler(self, compiler): self._compiler = compiler def __apply__(self, *arg): # Multi inputs. if isinstance(self._index[0], tuple): args = [getattr(arg[0], x) for x in self._index[0]] # Single input. else: args = [getattr(arg[0], self._index[0])] with self._compiler: return self._op(*args)
[docs] def __call__(self, *arg, **kws): if bool(self._index): res = self.__apply__(*arg) # Multi outputs. if isinstance(res, tuple): if not isinstance(self._index[1], tuple) or len(self._index[1]) != len(res): raise IndexError( f'Op has {len(res)} outputs, but {len(self._index[1])} indices are given.' ) for i, j in zip(self._index[1], res): setattr(arg[0], i, j) # Single output. else: setattr(arg[0], self._index[1], res) return arg[0] else: with self._compiler: return self._op.__call__(*arg, **kws)
[docs]class CompileMixin: """ Mixin to just-in-time compile the Operator. More information about just-in-time compilation can be found at Examples: 1. compile the python function with numba: >>> import numpy >>> import towhee >>> import time >>> from towhee import register >>> @register(name='inner_distance') ... def inner_distance(query, data): ... dists = [] ... for vec in data: ... dist = 0 ... for i in range(len(vec)): ... dist += vec[i] * query[i] ... dists.append(dist) ... return dists >>> data = [numpy.random.random((10000, 128)) for _ in range(10)] >>> query = numpy.random.random(128) >>> t1 = time.time() >>> dc1 = ( ... towhee.dc['a'](data) ... .runas_op['a', 'b'](func=lambda _: query) ... .inner_distance[('b', 'a'), 'c']() ... ) >>> t2 = time.time() >>> dc2 = ( ... towhee.dc['a'](data) ... .config(jit='numba') ... .runas_op['a', 'b'](func=lambda _: query) ... .inner_distance[('b', 'a'), 'c']() ... ) >>> t3 = time.time() >>> assert(t3-t2 < t2-t1) 2. compile the models with towhee.compiler: .. note:: It will take some time to compile in the first time. More information about towhee.compiler refer to >>> import towhee >>> dc1 = (towhee.dc(['hello world']) #doctest: +SKIP ... .set_jit('towhee') ... .text_embedding.transformers(model_name='distilbert-base-cased') ... ) """
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() with param_scope() as hp: parent = hp().data_collection.parent(None) if parent is not None and hasattr(parent, '_jit'): self._jit = parent._jit
def set_jit(self, compiler, **kws): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if compiler in ['numba', 'towhee']: self._jit = compiler else: engine_log.error( 'Error when setting jit, please make sure the configuration about jit in [\'numba\'].' ) raise KeyError( 'Error when setting jit, please make sure the configuration about jit in [\'numba\'].' ) return self def jit_resolve(self, name, index, *arg, **kws): try: if isinstance(self._jit, str): if self._jit == 'numba': return NumbaCompiler(name, index, *arg, **kws) if self._jit == 'towhee': return TowheeCompiler(name, index, *arg, **kws) else: retval = TowheeCompiler(name, index, *arg, **kws) retval.set_compiler(self._jit) return retval except: # pylint: disable=bare-except return self.resolve(name, index, *arg, **kws)