Source code for towhee.functional.mixins.computer_vision

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# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from towhee.types.video_frame import VideoFrame

[docs]class ComputerVisionMixin: """ Mixin for computer vision problems. """
[docs] def image_imshow(self, title='image'): # pragma: no cover """Produce a CV2 imshow window. Args: title (str, optional): The title for the image. Defaults to 'image'. """ from towhee.utils.cv2_utils import cv2 for im in self: cv2.imshow(title, im) cv2.waitKey(1)
[docs] @classmethod def read_camera(cls, device_id=0, limit=-1): # pragma: no cover """Read images from a camera. Args: device_id (int, optional): The camera device ID. Defaults to 0. limit (int, optional): The amount of images to capture. Defaults to -1. Returns: DataCollection: Collection with images. """ from towhee.utils.cv2_utils import cv2 cnt = limit def inner(): nonlocal cnt cap = cv2.VideoCapture(device_id) while cnt != 0: retval, im = if retval: yield im cnt -= 1 return cls(inner())
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
[docs] @classmethod def read_video(cls, path, format='rgb24'): # pragma: no cover """Load a video as a DataCollection. Args: path (str): The path of the video. format (str, optional): The color format of video. Defaults to 'rgb24'. Returns: DataCollection: DataCollection with the video. """ from towhee.utils.thirdparty.av_utils import av vcontainer = video_stream =[0] frames = vcontainer.decode(video_stream) images = (VideoFrame(frame.to_rgb().to_ndarray(format=format), 'RGB', int(frame.time * 1000), frame.key_frame) for frame in frames) return cls(images)
[docs] def to_video(self, output_path, codec=None, rate=None, width=None, height=None, format=None, template=None, audio_src=None): # pragma: no cover """Encode a video; with audio if provided. Args: output_path (str): Path to output the video to. codec (str, optional): Which codec to use for encoding. Defaults to None. rate (int, optional): The framrate of the video. Defaults to None. width (int, optional): The width of the video image. Defaults to None. height (int, optional): The height of the video image. Defaults to None. format (str, optional): The color format of the video. Defaults to None. template (str, optional): The template video stream of the ouput video stream. Defaults to None. audio_src (str, optional): Audio path to include in video. Defaults to None. """ from towhee.utils.thirdparty.av_utils import av import itertools output_container =, 'w') codec = codec if codec else if isinstance( template, else None rate = rate if rate else template.average_rate if isinstance( template, else None width = width if width else template.width if isinstance( template, else None height = height if height else template.height if isinstance( template, else None format = format if format else 'rgb24' output_video = None output_audio = None if audio_src: acontainer = audio_stream =[0] output_audio = output_container.add_stream(, rate=audio_stream.rate) for aframe, array in itertools.zip_longest( acontainer.decode(audio_stream), self): if array is not None: if not output_video: height = height if height else array.shape[0] width = width if width else array.shape[1] output_video = output_container.add_stream( codec_name=codec, rate=rate, width=width, height=height) vframe = av.VideoFrame.from_ndarray(array, format=format) vpacket = output_video.encode(vframe) output_container.mux(vpacket) if aframe: apacket = output_audio.encode(aframe) output_container.mux(apacket) else: for array in self: if not output_video: height = height if height else array.shape[0] width = width if width else array.shape[1] output_video = output_container.add_stream( codec_name=codec, rate=rate, width=width, height=height) vframe = av.VideoFrame.from_ndarray(array, format=format) vpacket = output_video.encode(vframe) output_container.mux(vpacket) for vpacket in output_video.encode(): output_container.mux(vpacket) if output_audio: for apacket in output_audio.encode(): output_container.mux(apacket) output_container.close()