Source code for towhee.functional.mixins.metric

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import numpy as np
from typing import Tuple

from towhee.hparam import param_scope

[docs]class Collector: """ Collector class for metric """ # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
[docs] def __init__(self, metrics: list = None, labels: dict = None, scores: dict = None): self.metrics = metrics if metrics is not None else [] self.scores = scores if scores is not None else {} self.labels = labels if labels is not None else {}
def add_scores(self, value: dict): self.scores.update(value) def add_labels(self, value: dict): self.labels.update(value)
[docs]def encode_fig_img(mat, size=300): # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from towhee.utils.sklearn_utils import ConfusionMatrixDisplay from towhee.utils.matplotlib_utils import matplotlib as mpl import base64 import io mpl.use('Agg') # Prevent showing stuff cm = mat.astype('float') / mat.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] # normalize fig = ConfusionMatrixDisplay(cm) fig.plot(cmap='GnBu') buf = io.BytesIO() fig.figure_.savefig(buf, format='jpg') buf = src = 'src="data:image/jpeg;base64,' + base64.b64encode(buf).decode() + '" ' w = 'width = "' + str(size) + 'px" ' h = 'height = "' + str(size) + 'px" ' return '<img ' + src + w + h + '>'
[docs]def get_scores_dict(collector: Collector): scores_dict = {} for metric in collector.metrics: scores_dict[metric] = [] for model in collector.scores: scores_dict[metric].append(collector.scores[model][metric]) return scores_dict
[docs]def mean_hit_ratio(actual, predicted): ratios = [] for act, pre in zip(actual, predicted): hit_num = len(set(act) & set(pre)) ratios.append(hit_num / len(act)) return sum(ratios) / len(ratios)
[docs]def mean_average_precision(actual, predicted): aps = [] for act, pre in zip(actual, predicted): cnt = 0 precision_sum = 0 for i, p in enumerate(pre): if p in act: cnt += 1 precision_sum += cnt/(i+1) ap = precision_sum / cnt if cnt else 0 aps.append(ap) return sum(aps) / len(aps)
def _evaluate_callback(self): def wrapper(_: str, index: Tuple[str], *arg, **kws): # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # pylint: disable=unused-argument actual, predicted = index name = None if 'name' in kws: name = kws['name'] elif arg: name, = arg self.collector.add_labels( {name: { 'actual': actual, 'predicted': predicted }}) score = {name: {}} actual_list = [] predicted_list = [] for x in self: actual_list.append(getattr(x, actual)) predicted_list.append(getattr(x, predicted)) from towhee.utils import sklearn_utils for metric_type in self.collector.metrics: if metric_type == 'accuracy': re = sklearn_utils.accuracy_score(actual_list, predicted_list) elif metric_type == 'recall': re = sklearn_utils.recall_score(actual_list, predicted_list, average='weighted') elif metric_type == 'confusion_matrix': re = sklearn_utils.confusion_matrix(actual_list, predicted_list) elif metric_type == 'mean_hit_ratio': re = mean_hit_ratio(actual_list, predicted_list) elif metric_type == 'mean_average_precision': re = mean_average_precision(actual_list, predicted_list) score[name].update({metric_type: re}) self.collector.add_scores(score) return self return wrapper
[docs]class MetricMixin: """ Mixin for metric """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.collector = Collector() self.evaluate = param_scope().dispatch(_evaluate_callback(self))
def with_metrics(self, metric_types: list = None): self.collector.metrics = metric_types return self
[docs] def report(self): """ Report the metric scores, and if you are using 'confusion matrix' metric, please use jupyter to display the matrix. Examples: >>> from towhee import DataCollection >>> from towhee import Entity >>> dc1 = DataCollection([Entity(a=a, b=b, c=c) for a, b, c in zip([0,1,1,0,0], [0,1,1,1,0], [0,1,1,0,0])]) >>> dc1.with_metrics(['accuracy', 'recall']).evaluate['a', 'c'](name='lr').evaluate['a', 'b'](name='rf').report() accuracy recall lr 1.0 1.0 rf 0.8 0.8 {'lr': {'accuracy': 1.0, 'recall': 1.0}, 'rf': {'accuracy': 0.8, 'recall': 0.8}} >>> dc1.with_metrics(['confusion_matrix']).evaluate['a', 'c'](name='lr').evaluate['a', 'b'](name='rf').report() #doctest: +SKIP <IPython.core.display.HTML object> {'lr': {'confusion_matrix': array([[3, 0], [0, 2]])}, 'rf': {'confusion_matrix': array([[2, 1], [0, 2]])}} >>> dc2 = DataCollection([Entity(pred=[1,6,2,7,8,3,9,10,4,5], act=[1,2,3,4,5])]) >>> dc2.with_metrics(['mean_average_precision', 'mean_hit_ratio']).evaluate['act', 'pred'](name='test').report() mean_average_precision mean_hit_ratio test 0.622222 1.0 {'test': {'mean_average_precision': 0.6222222222222221, 'mean_hit_ratio': 1.0}} """ from towhee.utils.thirdparty.ipython_utils import HTML, display from towhee.utils.thirdparty.pandas_utils import pandas as pd scores_dict = get_scores_dict(self.collector) df = pd.DataFrame(data=scores_dict, index=list(self.collector.scores.keys())) if 'confusion_matrix' in self.collector.metrics: display(HTML(df.to_html(formatters={'confusion_matrix': encode_fig_img}, escape=False))) else: display(df) return self.collector.scores