Source code for towhee.models.mcprop.matching

# Built on top of the original implementation at
# Modifications by Copyright 2022 Zilliz. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
from towhee.models.mcprop.loss import ContrastiveLoss

from towhee.models.mcprop.imageextractor import ImageExtractor
from towhee.models.mcprop.textextractor import TextExtractor
from towhee.models.mcprop.featurefusion import FeatureFusion
from towhee.models.mcprop.transformerpooling import TransformerPooling
from towhee.models.mcprop.depthaggregator import DepthAggregator

[docs]class Matching(nn.Module): """ Text extractor Args: common_space_dim (int): common space dimension num_text_transformer_layers (int): number of text transformer layers img_feat_dim (int): image feature dimension txt_feat_dim (int): text feature dimension image_disabled (bool): image disabled aggregate_tokens_depth (int): aggregate tokens depth fusion_mode (str): feature fusion mode """
[docs] def __init__(self, common_space_dim, num_text_transformer_layers, img_feat_dim, txt_feat_dim, image_disabled, aggregate_tokens_depth, fusion_mode, text_model, finetune_text_model, image_model, finetune_image_model, max_violation=True, margin=0.2): super().__init__() self.aggregate_tokens_depth = aggregate_tokens_depth self.fusion_mode = fusion_mode self.image_disabled = image_disabled self.txt_model = TextExtractor(text_model, finetune_text_model) if not image_disabled: self.img_model = ImageExtractor(image_model, finetune_image_model) self.image_fc = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(img_feat_dim, img_feat_dim), nn.Dropout(p=0.2), # nn.BatchNorm1d(img_feat_dim), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(img_feat_dim, img_feat_dim) # nn.BatchNorm1d(img_feat_dim) ) self.process_after_concat = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(img_feat_dim + txt_feat_dim, common_space_dim), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(p=0.1), nn.Linear(common_space_dim, common_space_dim) ) if self.fusion_mode == 'concat' else FeatureFusion(self.fusion_mode, img_feat_dim, txt_feat_dim, common_space_dim) self.caption_process = TransformerPooling(input_dim=txt_feat_dim, output_dim=common_space_dim, num_layers=num_text_transformer_layers) output_dim_transpooling = txt_feat_dim if not image_disabled else common_space_dim self.url_process = TransformerPooling(input_dim=txt_feat_dim, output_dim=output_dim_transpooling, num_layers=num_text_transformer_layers) if self.aggregate_tokens_depth is not None: self.token_aggregator = DepthAggregator(self.aggregate_tokens_depth, input_dim=txt_feat_dim, output_dim=common_space_dim) self.matching_loss = ContrastiveLoss(margin=margin, max_violation=max_violation)
def compute_embeddings(self, img, url, url_mask, caption, caption_mask): alphas = None if torch.cuda.is_available(): img = img.cuda() if img is not None else None url = url.cuda() url_mask = url_mask.cuda() caption = caption.cuda() caption_mask = caption_mask.cuda() url_feats = self.txt_model(url, url_mask) url_feats_plus = self.url_process(url_feats[-1], url_mask) # process features from the last layer if self.aggregate_tokens_depth: url_feats_depth_aggregated = self.token_aggregator(url_feats, url_mask) url_feats = url_feats_plus + url_feats_depth_aggregated else: url_feats = url_feats_plus caption_feats = self.txt_model(caption, caption_mask) caption_feats_plus = self.caption_process(caption_feats[-1], caption_mask) if self.aggregate_tokens_depth: caption_feats_depth_aggregated = self.token_aggregator(caption_feats, caption_mask) caption_feats = caption_feats_plus + caption_feats_depth_aggregated # same as for urls else: caption_feats = caption_feats_plus if not self.image_disabled: # forward img model img_feats = self.img_model(img).float() img_feats = self.image_fc(img_feats) # concatenate img and url features if self.fusion_mode == 'concat': query_feats =[img_feats, url_feats], dim=1) query_feats = self.process_after_concat(query_feats) else: query_feats, alphas = self.process_after_concat(img_feats, url_feats) else: query_feats = url_feats # L2 normalize output features query_feats = F.normalize(query_feats, p=2, dim=1) caption_feats = F.normalize(caption_feats, p=2, dim=1) return query_feats, caption_feats, alphas def compute_loss(self, query_feats, caption_feats): loss = self.matching_loss(query_feats, caption_feats) return loss
[docs] def forward(self, img, url, url_mask, caption, caption_mask): # forward the embeddings query_feats, caption_feats, alphas = self.compute_embeddings(img, url, url_mask, caption, caption_mask) # compute loss loss = self.compute_loss(query_feats, caption_feats) return loss, alphas