Source code for towhee.models.visualization.clip_visualization

# Built on top of the original implementation at
# Modifications by Copyright 2022 Zilliz. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from typing import List, Tuple, Callable
from torchvision.transforms import Compose, Resize, CenterCrop, ToTensor, Normalize
from torch import nn
from towhee.utils.pil_utils import PILImage as Image
from towhee.models.visualization.transformer_visualization import _reshape_attr_and_get_heatmap
from towhee.models import clip
from towhee.models.clip import SimpleTokenizer
from towhee.trainer.utils.file_utils import is_captum_available, is_matplotlib_available
from towhee.utils.log import models_log

import torch
import numpy as np
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
# pylint: disable=unused-import

[docs]def get_clip_relevance(model: nn.Module, pil_img: Image, text_list: List[str], device: str, vis_start_layer: int = 11, text_start_layer: int = 11, transform: Callable = None, tokenize: Callable = None) -> Tuple: """ Get text relevance and image relevance from CLIP model. Args: model (`nn.Module`): CLIP model to visualize. pil_img (`Image`): Input image. text_list (`List[str]`): List of text str. device (`str`): Device to use. vis_start_layer (`int`): Start layer for visualization. text_start_layer (`int`): Start layer for text. transform (`Callable`): Transform function for image. tokenize (`Callable`): Tokenize function for text. Returns: (`Tuple`): text_relevance, image_relevance, text_tokens, img_tensor """ if transform is None: def _transform(n_px): return Compose([ Resize(n_px, interpolation=Image.BICUBIC), CenterCrop(n_px), lambda image: image.convert('RGB'), ToTensor(), Normalize((0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073), (0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711)), ]) transform = _transform(224) if tokenize is None: tokenize = clip.tokenize img_tensor = transform(pil_img).unsqueeze(0).to(device) text_tokens = tokenize(text_list).to(device) batch_size = text_tokens.shape[0] img_tensors = img_tensor.repeat(batch_size, 1, 1, 1) logits_per_image, _ = model(img_tensors, text_tokens, device=device) index = list(range(batch_size)) one_hot = np.zeros((logits_per_image.shape[0], logits_per_image.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) one_hot[torch.arange(logits_per_image.shape[0]), index] = 1 one_hot = torch.from_numpy(one_hot).requires_grad_(True) one_hot = torch.sum( * logits_per_image) model.zero_grad() image_attn_blocks = list(dict(model.visual.transformer.resblocks.named_children()).values()) num_tokens = image_attn_blocks[0].attn_probs.shape[-1] relevance = torch.eye(num_tokens, num_tokens, dtype=image_attn_blocks[0].attn_probs.dtype).to(device) relevance = relevance.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, num_tokens, num_tokens) for i, blk in enumerate(image_attn_blocks): if i < vis_start_layer: continue grad = torch.autograd.grad(one_hot, [blk.attn_probs], retain_graph=True)[0].detach() cam = blk.attn_probs.detach() cam = cam.reshape(-1, cam.shape[-1], cam.shape[-1]) grad = grad.reshape(-1, grad.shape[-1], grad.shape[-1]) cam = grad * cam cam = cam.reshape(batch_size, -1, cam.shape[-1], cam.shape[-1]) cam = cam.clamp(min=0).mean(dim=1) relevance = relevance + torch.bmm(cam, relevance) image_relevance = relevance[:, 0, 1:] text_attn_blocks = list(dict(model.transformer.resblocks.named_children()).values()) num_tokens = text_attn_blocks[0].attn_probs.shape[-1] rel_text = torch.eye(num_tokens, num_tokens, dtype=text_attn_blocks[0].attn_probs.dtype).to(device) rel_text = rel_text.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, num_tokens, num_tokens) for i, blk in enumerate(text_attn_blocks): if i < text_start_layer: continue grad = torch.autograd.grad(one_hot, [blk.attn_probs], retain_graph=True)[0].detach() cam = blk.attn_probs.detach() cam = cam.reshape(-1, cam.shape[-1], cam.shape[-1]) grad = grad.reshape(-1, grad.shape[-1], grad.shape[-1]) cam = grad * cam cam = cam.reshape(batch_size, -1, cam.shape[-1], cam.shape[-1]) cam = cam.clamp(min=0).mean(dim=1) rel_text = rel_text + torch.bmm(cam, rel_text) text_relevance = rel_text return text_relevance, image_relevance, text_tokens, img_tensor
[docs]def show_image_relevance(image_relevance: torch.Tensor, img_tensor: torch.Tensor, orig_image: Image): """ Show the image relevance heatmap. Args: image_relevance (`torch.Tensor`): Image relevance. img_tensor (`torch.Tensor`): Transformed image tensor. orig_image (`Image`): Original input image. """ if not is_matplotlib_available(): models_log.warning('Matplotlib is not available.') from towhee.utils.matplotlib_utils import matplotlib import matplotlib.pylab as plt # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel _, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2) axs[0].imshow(orig_image) axs[0].axis('off') vis = _reshape_attr_and_get_heatmap(image_relevance, img_tensor) axs[1].imshow(vis) axs[1].axis('off')
[docs]def show_heatmap_on_text(text: str, text_encoding: torch.Tensor, rel_text: torch.Tensor): """ Show the text relevance heatmap. Args: text (`str`): Text to show. text_encoding (`torch.Tensor`): Tokenized text. rel_text (`torch.Tensor`): Text relevance. """ if not is_captum_available(): models_log.warning('You should install Captum first. Please run `pip install captum`.') return None from captum.attr import visualization as viz # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel if not is_matplotlib_available(): models_log.warning('Matplotlib is not available.') from towhee.utils.matplotlib_utils import matplotlib import matplotlib.pylab as plt # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel tokenizer = SimpleTokenizer() cls_idx = text_encoding.argmax(dim=-1) rel_text = rel_text[cls_idx, 1:cls_idx] text_scores = rel_text / rel_text.sum() text_scores = text_scores.flatten() text_tokens = tokenizer.encode(text) text_tokens_decoded = [tokenizer.decode([a]) for a in text_tokens] vis_data_records = [viz.VisualizationDataRecord(text_scores, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, text_tokens_decoded, 1)] viz.visualize_text(vis_data_records)
[docs]def show_attention_for_clip(model: nn.Module, pil_img: Image, text_list: List[str], device: str = None): """ Show the attention for CLIP model. This function can show one image with multiple texts. Args: model (`nn.Module`): CLIP model to show attention. pil_img (`Image`): Image to show. text_list (`List[str]`): Text list to show. device (`str`): Device to use. """ if device is None: device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' rel_text, rel_image, text_tokens, img_tensor = get_clip_relevance(model, pil_img, text_list, device) if not is_matplotlib_available(): models_log.warning('Matplotlib is not available.') from towhee.utils.matplotlib_utils import matplotlib import matplotlib.pylab as plt # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel batch_size = len(text_list) for i in range(batch_size): show_heatmap_on_text(text_list[i], text_tokens[i], rel_text[i]) show_image_relevance(rel_image[i], img_tensor, orig_image=pil_img)