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DataCollection Introduction

What is DataCollection?

DataCollection is a pythonic computation framework for unstructured data in machine learning and data science. It provides a method-chaining style API that makes it easier for a data scientist or researcher to assemble a data processing pipeline, finish his research on algorithms and models (embedding, transformer, or cnn) and apply the model to real-world business (search, recommendation, or shopping):

>>> from towhee import DataCollection
>>> dc = DataCollection.range(5)
>>> (
... x: x+1)
...       .map(lambda x: x*2)
...       .to_list()
... )
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

  1. Pythonic Method-Chaining Style API: Designed to behave as a python list or iterator, DataCollection is easy to understand for python users and is compatible with most popular data science toolkits. Function/Operator invocations can be chained one after another, making your code clean and fluent.

  2. Exception-Safe Execution: DataCollection provides exception-safe execution, which allows the function/operator invocation chain to continue executing on exception. Data scientists can put an exception receiver to the tail of the pipeline, processing and analyzing the exceptions as data, not errors.

  3. Feature-Rich Operator Repository: There are various pre-defined operators On the towhee hub, which cover the most popular deep learning models in computer vision, NLP, and voice processing. Using these operators in the data processing pipeline can significantly accelerate your work.


Please install pandas, scikit-learn, opencv-python, ipython, matplotlib to get all the functions of DataCollection.

$ pip install pandas scikit-learn scikit-learn opencv-python ipython matplotlib

Quick Start

We use a prime number example to go through core conceptions in DataCollection and explain how the data and computation are organized. prime numbers are special numbers with exactly two factors, themselves and 1. The following function detects if a number is prime:

>>> def is_prime(x):
...     if x <=1:
...             return False
...     for i in range(2, int(x/2)+1):
...             if (x%i) == 0:
...                     return False
...     return True

List or Iterator

list is the most widely used data structure in python, creating DataCollection from list is as simple as:

>>> dc = DataCollection([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) # use construction method

When the inputs are very large (for example, 1M), storing all the input in the memory is not a good idea. We can create DataCollection from an iterator for saving runtime memory:

>>> dc = DataCollection(iter(range(10000))) # use construction method

Functional Programming Interface


After the DataCollection is created, we can apply is_prime to each element by map(is_prime):

<towhee.functional.data_collection.DataCollection object at 0x...>

map() creates a new DataCollection that contains return values of is_prime on each element. To see the computation result, we need to convert the DataCollection back into a list:

>>> dc = DataCollection.range(10)
[False, False, True, True, False, True, False, True, False, False]


Since the return value of is_prime is of the boolean type, we can filter the data collection with its return value and get a prime number list:

>>> dc = DataCollection.range(10)
>>> dc.filter(is_prime).to_list()
[2, 3, 5, 7]

Method-Chaining coding style

A data processing pipeline can be created by chaining map() and filter():

>>> dc = (
...     DataCollection.range(100)
...             .filter(is_prime) # stage 1, find prime
...             .filter(lambda x: x%10 == 3) # stage 2, find prime that ends with `3`
...             .map(str) # stage 3, convert to string
... )
>>> dc.to_list()
['3', '13', '23', '43', '53', '73', '83']

NOTE: list-mode and stage-wise computation

When the DataCollection is created from a list, it will hold all the input values, and computations are performed in a stage-wise manner:

  1. stage 2 will wait until all the calculations are done in stage 1;

  2. A new DataCollection will hold all the outputs for each stage. You can perform list operations on the result DataCollection;

NOTE: iterator-mode and stream-wise computation

If the DataCollection is created from an iterator, it performs stream-wise computation and holds no data:

  1. DataCollection takes one element from the input and applies stage 1 and stage 2 sequentially ;

  2. Since DataCollection holds no data, indexing or shuffle is not supported;

We strongly suggest using iterator-mode instead of list-mode for memory efficiency and development convenience. When using list-mode, if the operator on the last stage is not appropriately implemented and runs into some error, you will waste all the computation in the previous stages.

Operator dispatch

When chaining many stages, DataCollection provides a more straightforward syntax by operator dispatching:

>>> from towhee import param_scope
>>> with param_scope() as hp:
...     hp().dispatcher.as_str = str
...     dc = (
...        DataCollection.range(10)
...             .filter(is_prime)
...             .as_str() # map(str)
...     )

>>> dc.to_list()
['2', '3', '5', '7']

DataCollection.as_str is not defined in DataCollection. DataCollection will resolve such unknown functions by a lookup table managed with param_scope. By registering a new function via param_scope().dispatcher, we can extend DataCollection at run time without modifying the python code of DataCollection.

Operator dispatch is a fundamental mechanism in DataCollection. It allows DataCollection to be used as a DSL language for domain-specific tasks. For example, we can define an image processing pipeline as follows:

dataset = DataCollection.from_glob('path_train/*.jpg') \
        .load_image() \
        .random_resize_crop(224) \
        .random_horizontal_flip() \
        .cvt_color('RGB2BGR') \

This python code reads much more naturally for computer vision engineers and researchers.

Operator dispatch contains a hub-based resolve that loads operators from towhee hub. This will accelerate your daily work with the help of the towhee community:

dataset = DataCollection.from_glob('path_train/*.jpg') \
        .load_image() \
        .random_resize_crop(224) \
        .random_horizontal_flip() \
        .cvt_color('RGB2BGR') \
        .normalize() \
        .towhee.image_embedding(model_name='resnet101') # redirect function call to towhee operators

.towhee.image_embedding(model_name='resnet101') will be mapped to towhee/image-embedding on towhee hub.

Parallel execution

Dealing with large-scale datasets is usually time-consuming. DataCollection provides a simple API set_parallel(num_worker) to enable parallel execution, and speed up your computation :

dc.set_parallel(num_worker=5) \
        .load_image() \


Most data scientists have experienced that exception crashes your code when dealing with large-scale datasets, damaged input data, unstable networks, or out of storage. It would be even worse if it crashes after having processed over half of the data, and you have to fix your code and re-run all the data.

DataCollection supports exception-safe execution, which can be enabled by a single line of code:

dc.exception_safe() \ # or
        .load_image() \

When exception_safe is enabled, DataCollection generates empty values on exceptions. The lagging functions/operators will skip the empty values. And you can handle the empty values with an exception receiver at the tail of the chain: \
        .load_image() \
        .towhee.is_face_or_not() \
        .fill_empty(False) # or `.drop_empty()`

There are two builtin exception receivers:

  1. fill_empty(default_value) will replace empty values with the default value;

  2. drop_empty(callback=None) will drop the empty values and send the empty values to a callback function;

Here is an example callback function to receive exceptions from empty values:

def callback(value):
  reason = value.get()
  error_input = reason.value
  exception = reason.exception