Triton in Towhee

Triton is an inference serving software that streamlines AI inferencing, and Towhee uses Triton to provide model inference and acceleration.

For example, we tested the performance of two CLIP pipelines on the same machine (64 cores, GeForce RTX 3080), one based on HuggingFace and the other using Towhee&Triton, Towhee is 5x faster than Huggingface.




There is an example of using towhee to start a triton server with a text image search pipeline, you can also refer to this to start your own pipeline.

  • Create Pipeline and Build Image

When creating a pipeline, we can specify config with AutoConfig to set the configuration. It will work when starting the Triton Model, and the following example shows how to create a pipeline in Triton with config = AutoConfig.TritonGPUConfig().

from towhee import pipe, ops, AutoConfig

p = (
    .map('url', 'image', ops.image_decode.cv2_rgb())
    .map('image', 'vec', ops.image_text_embedding.clip(model_name='clip_vit_base_patch16', modality='image'), config=AutoConfig.TritonGPUConfig())

    cuda_version='11.7', # '117dev' for developer

Then we can run docker images command and will list the built clip:v1 image.

  • Start Triton Server

Run docker image with tritonserver command to start triton server.

$ docker run -td --gpus=all --shm-size=1g \
    -p 8000:8000 -p 8001:8001 -p 8002:8002 \
    clip:v1 \
    tritonserver --model-repository=/workspace/models

After starting the server, we can run docker logs <container id> to view the logs. When you see the following logs, it means that the server started successfully:

Started GRPCInferenceService at
Started HTTPService at
Started Metrics Service at
  • Remote Serving

The we can use triton_client to request the result with the url.

The url format is your-ip-address:your-grpc-port, you need modify the ip according you env.

from towhee import triton_client

# run with triton client
client = triton_client.Client(url='localhost:8000')

# run data
data = ''
res = client(data)


Pipeline Configuration

When building the image, we need to specify the following parameters:

  • dc_pipeline: towhee pipeline

  • image_name: the name of the image

  • cuda_verion: the version of CUDA

  • format_priority: the priority list of the model, defaults to [‘onnx’]

  • inference_server: the inference server, defaults to ‘triton’

Docker Configuration

You can set the Docker Command Options when start triton server, such as set gpus and she-size.


  1. Why the docker image is very large?

    The base image (nvidia/tritonserver) itself is large, and there are many packages related to the package model (PyTorch, Onnxruntime, etc.) that need to be installed.

  2. How to debug my pipeline in triton?

    Once you have started triton server, you can run into the container to modify the code with docker exec -ti <container_id> bash command, and then manually start the triton service in container with tritonserver --model-repository=/workspace/models --grpc-port=<your-port>.