Source code for towhee.runtime.runtime_pipeline

# Copyright 2021 Zilliz. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import re
from typing import Dict, Any, Union, Tuple, List
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

from import visualizers
from towhee.utils.log import engine_log
from .operator_manager import OperatorPool
from .data_queue import DataQueue
from .dag_repr import DAGRepr
from .nodes import create_node, NodeStatus
from .node_repr import NodeRepr
from .time_profiler import TimeProfiler, Event

class _GraphResult:
    def __init__(self, graph: '_Graph'):
        self._graph = graph

    def result(self):
        ret = self._graph.result()
        del self._graph
        return ret

class _Graph:

        nodes(`Dict[str, NodeRepr]`): The pipeline nodes from DAGRepr.nodes.
        edges(`Dict[str, Any]`): The pipeline edges from DAGRepr.edges.
        operator_pool(`OperatorPool`): The operator pool.
        thread_pool(`OperatorPool`): The ThreadPoolExecutor.
    def __init__(self,
                 nodes: Dict[str, NodeRepr],
                 edges: Dict[str, Any],
                 operator_pool: 'OperatorPool',
                 thread_pool: 'ThreadPoolExecutor',
                 time_profiler: 'TimeProfiler' = None,
                 trace_edges: list = None):
        self._nodes = nodes
        self._edges = edges
        self._operator_pool = operator_pool
        self._thread_pool = thread_pool
        self._time_profiler = time_profiler
        self._trace_edges = trace_edges
        self._node_runners = None
        self._data_queues = None
        self.features = None
        self._time_profiler.record(Event.pipe_name, Event.pipe_in)
        self._input_queue = self._data_queues[0]

    def _initialize(self):
        self._node_runners = []
        self._data_queues = dict(
                DataQueue(edge['data'], keep_data=(self._trace_edges and self._trace_edges.get(name, False)))
            ) for name, edge in self._edges.items()
        for name in self._nodes:
            in_queues = [self._data_queues[edge] for edge in self._nodes[name].in_edges]
            out_queues = [self._data_queues[edge] for edge in self._nodes[name].out_edges]
            node = create_node(self._nodes[name], self._operator_pool, in_queues, out_queues, self._time_profiler)
            if not node.initialize():
                raise RuntimeError(node.err_msg)

    def result(self) -> any:
        for f in self.features:
        errs = ''
        for node in self._node_runners:
            if node.status != NodeStatus.FINISHED:
                if node.status == NodeStatus.FAILED:
                    errs += node.err_msg + '\n'
        if errs:
            raise RuntimeError(errs)
        end_edge_num = self._nodes['_output'].out_edges[0]
        res = self._data_queues[end_edge_num]
        self.time_profiler.record(Event.pipe_name, Event.pipe_out)
        return res

    def async_call(self, inputs: Union[Tuple, List]):
        self.time_profiler.inputs = inputs
        self.features = []
        for node in self._node_runners:
        return _GraphResult(self)

    def release_op(self):
        for node in self._node_runners:

    def __call__(self, inputs: Union[Tuple, List]):
        f = self.async_call(inputs)
        return f.result()

    def time_profiler(self):
        return self._time_profiler

    def input_col_size(self):
        return self._input_queue.col_size

    def data_queues(self):
        return self._data_queues

[docs]class RuntimePipeline: """ Manage the pipeline and runs it as a single instance. Args: dag_dict(`Dict`): The DAG Dictionary from the user pipeline. max_workers(`int`): The maximum number of threads. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dag: Union[Dict, DAGRepr], max_workers: int = None): if isinstance(dag, Dict): self._dag_repr = DAGRepr.from_dict(dag) else: self._dag_repr = dag self._operator_pool = OperatorPool() self._thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers)
[docs] def preload(self): """ Preload the operators. """ return _Graph(self._dag_repr.nodes, self._dag_repr.edges, self._operator_pool, self._thread_pool, TimeProfiler(False))
[docs] def __call__(self, *inputs): """ Output with ordering matching the input `DataQueue`. """ return self._call(*inputs, profiler=False, tracer=False)[0]
[docs] def batch(self, batch_inputs): return self._batch(batch_inputs, profiler=False, tracer=False)[0]
[docs] def flush(self): """ Call the flush interface of ops. """ self._operator_pool.flush()
def _call(self, *inputs, profiler: bool, tracer: bool, trace_edges: list = None): """ Run pipeline with debug option. """ time_profiler = TimeProfiler(True) if profiler else TimeProfiler(False) graph = _Graph(self._dag_repr.nodes, self._dag_repr.edges, self._operator_pool, self._thread_pool, time_profiler, trace_edges) return graph(inputs), [graph.time_profiler] if profiler else None, [graph.data_queues] if tracer else None def _batch(self, batch_inputs, profiler: bool, tracer: bool, trace_edges: list = None): """ Run batch call with debug option. """ graph_res = [] time_profilers = [] data_queues = [] for inputs in batch_inputs: time_profiler = TimeProfiler(False) if time_profilers is None else TimeProfiler(True) gh = _Graph(self._dag_repr.nodes, self._dag_repr.edges, self._operator_pool, self._thread_pool, time_profiler, trace_edges) if profiler: time_profilers.append(gh.time_profiler) if tracer: data_queues.append(gh.data_queues) if gh.input_col_size == 1: inputs = (inputs, ) graph_res.append(gh.async_call(inputs)) rets = [] for gf in graph_res: ret = gf.result() rets.append(ret) return rets, time_profilers if time_profilers else None, data_queues if data_queues else None @property def dag_repr(self): return self._dag_repr def _get_trace_nodes(self, include, exclude): def _find_match(patterns, x): return any(, x) for pattern in patterns) include = [include] if isinstance(include, str) else include exclude = [exclude] if isinstance(exclude, str) else exclude include = [ for node in self._dag_repr.nodes.values() if _find_match(include,] if include else [] exclude = [ for node in self._dag_repr.nodes.values() if _find_match(exclude,] if exclude else [] trace_nodes = list(set(include) - set(exclude)) if include \ else list(set( for node in self._dag_repr.nodes.values()) - set(exclude)) return trace_nodes def _get_trace_edges(self, trace_nodes): def _set_false(idx): trace_edges[idx] = False trace_edges = dict((id, True) for id in self.dag_repr.edges) for node in self.dag_repr.nodes.values(): if not in trace_nodes: _ = [_set_false(i) for i in node.out_edges] return trace_edges
[docs] def debug( self, *inputs, batch: bool = False, profiler: bool = False, tracer: bool = False, include: Union[List[str], str] = None, exclude: Union[List[str], str] = None ): """ Run pipeline in debug mode. One can record the running time of each operator by setting `profiler` to `True`, or record the data of itermediate nodes by setting `tracer` to True. Note that one should at least specify one of `profiler` and `tracer` options to True. When debug with `tracer` option, one can specify which nodes to include or exclude. Args: batch (`bool): Whether to run in batch mode. profiler (`bool`): Whether to record the performance of the pipeline. tracer (`bool`): Whether to record the data from intermediate nodes. include (`Union[List[str], str]`): The nodes not to trace. exclude (`Union[List[str], str]`): The nodes to trace. """ if not profiler and not tracer: e_msg = 'You should set at least one of `profiler` or `tracer` to `True` when debug.' engine_log.error(e_msg) raise ValueError(e_msg) trace_nodes = self._get_trace_nodes(include, exclude) trace_edges = self._get_trace_edges(trace_nodes) time_profilers = [] if profiler else None data_queues = [] if tracer else None if not batch: res, time_profilers, data_queues = self._call(*inputs, profiler=profiler, tracer=tracer, trace_edges=trace_edges) else: res, time_profilers, data_queues = self._batch(inputs[0], profiler=profiler, tracer=tracer, trace_edges=trace_edges) v = visualizers.Visualizer( result=res, time_profiler=time_profilers, data_queues=data_queues ,nodes=self._dag_repr.to_dict().get('nodes'), trace_nodes=trace_nodes ) return v