Source code for towhee.runtime.hub_ops.audio_embedding

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from towhee.runtime.factory import HubOp

[docs] class AudioEmbedding: """ `Audio embedding <>`_ is a task that encodes audio's semantics into a set of real vectors. It is a fundamental task type that can be used in a variety of applications, including but not limited to reverse audio search and audio deduplication. """ nnfp: HubOp = HubOp('audio_embedding.nnfp') """ The audio embedding operator converts an input audio into a dense vector which can be used to represent the audio clip's semantics. Each vector represents for an audio clip with a fixed length of around 1s. This operator generates audio embeddings with fingerprinting method introduced by `Neural Audio Fingerprint <>`_. The model is implemented in Pytorch. We've also trained the nnfp model with `FMA <>`_ dataset (& some noise audio) and shared weights in this operator. The nnfp operator is suitable for audio fingerprinting. __init__(self, model_name: str = 'nnfp_default', model_path: str = None, framework: str = 'pytorch', device: str = None) model_name(`str`): Model name to create nnfp model with different parameters, available model names: "nnfp_default", "nnfp_hop25", "nnfp_distill". model_path(`str`): The path to model. If None, it will load default model weights. framework(`str`): Default value is pytorch. (Legacy parameter) device(`str`): Device id: cpu/cuda:{GPUID}, if not set, will try to find an available GPU device. __call__(self, data: List[towhee.types.AudioFrame]) -> numpy.ndarray data(`List[towhee.types.AudioFrame]`): Input audio data is a list of towhee audio frames. Create by `ops.audio_decode.ffmpeg() <>`_. The audio input should be at least 1s. Example: .. code-block:: python from towhee import pipe, ops, DataCollection p = ( pipe.input('path') .map('path', 'frame', ops.audio_decode.ffmpeg()) .map('frame', 'vecs', ops.audio_embedding.nnfp(device='cpu')) .output('path', 'vecs') ) DataCollection(p('test.wav')).show() """ vggish: HubOp = HubOp('audio-embedding.vggish') """ `vggish <>`_ converts an input audio into a dense vector which can be used to represent the audio clip's semantics. Each vector represents for an audio clip with a fixed length of around 0.9s. This operator is built on top of `VGGish <>`_ with Pytorch. The model is a `VGG <>`_ variant pre-trained with a large scale of audio dataset AudioSet. As suggested, it is suitable to extract features at high level or warm up a larger model. __init__(self, weights_path: str = None, framework: str = 'pytorch') weights_path(`str`): The path to model weights. If None, it will load default model weights. framework(`str`): Default value is pytorch. (Legacy parameter) __call__(self, data: List[towhee.types.AudioFrame]) -> numpy.ndarray data(`List[towhee.types.AudioFrame]`): Input audio data is a list of towhee audio frames. Create by `ops.audio_decode.ffmpeg() <>`_. The input data should represent for an audio longer than 0.9s. Example: .. code-block:: python from towhee import pipe, ops p = ( pipe.input('path') .map('path', 'frame', ops.audio_decode.ffmpeg()) .map('frame', 'vecs', ops.audio_embedding.vggish()) .output('vecs') ) p('test.wav').get()[0] """ clmr: HubOp = HubOp('audio_embedding.clmr') """ `clmr <>`_ converts an input audio into a dense vector which can be used to represent the audio clip's semantics. Each vector represents for an audio clip with a fixed length of around 2s. This operator is built on top of the original implementation of `CLMR <>`_. The default model weight provided is pretrained on `Magnatagatune Dataset <>`_ with SampleCNN. __init__(self, framework="pytorch"): framework(`str`): Default value is pytorch. (Legacy parameter) __call__(self, data: List[towhee.types.AudioFrame]) -> numpy.ndarray data(`List[towhee.types.AudioFrame]`): Input audio data is a list of towhee audio frames. Create by `ops.audio_decode.ffmpeg() <>`_. The input data should represent for an audio longer than 3s. Returns: Audio embeddings in shape (num_clips, 512). Each embedding stands for features of an audio clip with length of 2.7s. Example: .. code-block:: python from towhee import pipe, ops, DataCollection p = ( pipe.input('path') .map('path', 'frame', ops.audio_decode.ffmpeg()) .map('frame', 'vecs', ops.audio_embedding.clmr()) .output('path', 'vecs') ) DataCollection(p('./test.wav')).show() """ data2vec: HubOp = HubOp('audio_embedding.data2vec') """ `data2vec <>`_ extracts features for audio with data2vec. The core idea is to predict latent representations of the full input data based on a masked view of the input in a self-distillation setup using a standard Transformer architecture. __init__(self, model_name = "facebook/data2vec-audio-base-960h") model_name(`str`): Default value is "facebook/data2vec-audio-base-960h". Available models: facebook/data2vec-audio-base-960h, facebook/data2vec-audio-large-960h, facebook/data2vec-audio-base, facebook/data2vec-audio-base-100h, facebook/data2vec-audio-base-10m, facebook/data2vec-audio-large, facebook/data2vec-audio-large-100h, facebook/data2vec-audio-large-10m __call__(self, data: List[towhee.types.AudioFrame]) -> numpy.ndarray data(`List[towhee.types.AudioFrame]`): Input audio data is a list of towhee audio frames. Create by `ops.audio_decode.ffmpeg() <>`_. Example: .. code-block:: python from towhee import pipe, ops, DataCollection p = ( pipe.input('path') .map('path', 'frame', ops.audio_decode.ffmpeg(sample_rate=16000)) .map('frame', 'vecs', ops.audio_embedding.data2vec(model_name='facebook/data2vec-audio-base-960h')) .output('path', 'vecs') ) DataCollection(p('test.wav')).show() """ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return HubOp('towhee.audio_embedding')(*args, **kwargs)