Source code for towhee.runtime.pipeline

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import uuid
from copy import deepcopy

from towhee.runtime.check_utils import TupleForm
from towhee.runtime.operator_manager import OperatorAction
from towhee.runtime.factory import _OperatorWrapper
from towhee.runtime.runtime_pipeline import RuntimePipeline
from towhee.runtime.constants import (

# pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs] class Pipeline: """ Pipeline is a tool to create data transformation chains. Args: dag (`dict`): The dag for the pipeline. clo_node (`str`): The close node in the pipeline dag, defaults to '_input'. """ def __init__(self, dag, self._dag = dag self._clo_node = clo_node @property def dag(self) -> dict: return self._dag
[docs] @classmethod def input(cls, *schema) -> 'Pipeline': """ Start a new pipeline chain. Args: schema (list): The schema for the values being inputted into the pipeline. Returns: Pipeline: Pipeline ready to be chained. Examples: >>> from towhee import pipe >>> p = pipe.input('a', 'b', 'c') """ dag_dict = {} output_schema = cls._check_schema(schema) uid = dag_dict[uid] = cls._nop_node_dict(output_schema, output_schema) return cls(dag_dict)
[docs] def output(self, *output_schema) -> 'RuntimePipeline': """ Close and preload the pipeline, and ready to run with it. Args: output_schema (tuple): Which columns to output. config_kws (dict): The config for this pipeline. Returns: RuntimePipeline: The runtime pipeline that can be called on inputs. Examples: >>> from towhee import pipe >>> p = pipe.input('a').map('a', 'b', lambda x: x+1).output('b') >>> p(1).get() [2] """ output_schema = self._check_schema(output_schema) uid = dag_dict = deepcopy(self._dag) dag_dict[uid] = self._nop_node_dict(output_schema, output_schema) dag_dict[self._clo_node]['next_nodes'].append(uid) run_pipe = RuntimePipeline(dag_dict) run_pipe.preload() return run_pipe
[docs] def map(self, input_schema, output_schema, fn, config=None) -> 'Pipeline': """ One to one map of function on inputs. Args: input_schema (tuple): The input column/s of fn. output_schema (tuple): The output column/s of fn. fn (Operation | lambda | callable): The action to perform on the input_schema. config (dict, optional): Config for the map. Defaults to None. Returns: Pipeline: Pipeline with action added. Examples: >>> from towhee import pipe >>> p = pipe.input('a').map('a', 'b', lambda x: x+1).output('a', 'b') >>> p(1).get() [1, 2] """ output_schema = self._check_schema(output_schema) input_schema = self._check_schema(input_schema) uid = uuid.uuid4().hex fn_action = self._to_action(fn) dag_dict = deepcopy(self._dag) dag_dict[uid] = { 'inputs': input_schema, 'outputs': output_schema, 'op_info': fn_action.serialize(), 'iter_info': { 'type':, 'param': None }, 'config': config, 'next_nodes': [], } dag_dict[self._clo_node]['next_nodes'].append(uid) return Pipeline(dag_dict, uid)
[docs] def concat(self, *pipes: 'Pipeline') -> 'Pipeline': """ Concat a pipeline to another pipeline/s. Args: pipes : one or more pipelines to concat. Returns: Pipeline: Pipeline to be concated. Examples: >>> from towhee import pipe >>> p0 = pipe.input('a', 'b', 'c') >>> p1 ='a', 'd', lambda x: x+1) >>> p2 ='b', 'c'), 'e', lambda x, y: x - y) >>> p3 = p2.concat(p1).output('d', 'e') >>> p3(1, 2, 3).get() [2, -1] """ self._check_concat_pipe(pipes) uid = uuid.uuid4().hex dag_dict = self._concat_dag(deepcopy(self._dag), pipes) fn_action = self._to_action( dag_dict[uid] = { 'inputs': (), 'outputs': (), 'op_info': fn_action.serialize(), 'iter_info': { 'type':, 'param': None, }, 'config': None, 'next_nodes': [], } dag_dict[self._clo_node]['next_nodes'].append(uid) for pipe in pipes: dag_dict[pipe._clo_node]['next_nodes'].append(uid) return Pipeline(dag_dict, uid)
[docs] def flat_map(self, input_schema, output_schema, fn, config=None) -> 'Pipeline': """ One to many map action. The operator might have a variable amount of outputs, each output is treated as a new row. Args: input_schema (tuple): The input column/s of fn. output_schema (tuple): The output column/s of fn. fn (Operation | lambda | callable): The action to perform on the input_schema. config (dict, optional): Config for the flat_map. Defaults to None. Returns: Pipeline: Pipeline with flat_map action added. Examples: >>> from towhee import pipe >>> p = (pipe.input('a') ... .flat_map('a', 'b', lambda x: [y for y in x]) ... .output('b')) >>> res = p([1, 2, 3]) >>> res.get() [1] >>> res.get() [2] >>> res.get() [3] """ output_schema = self._check_schema(output_schema) input_schema = self._check_schema(input_schema) uid = uuid.uuid4().hex fn_action = self._to_action(fn) dag_dict = deepcopy(self._dag) dag_dict[uid] = { 'inputs': input_schema, 'outputs': output_schema, 'op_info': fn_action.serialize(), 'iter_info': { 'type':, 'param': None }, 'config': config, 'next_nodes': [], } dag_dict[self._clo_node]['next_nodes'].append(uid) return Pipeline(dag_dict, uid)
[docs] def filter(self, input_schema, output_schema, filter_columns, fn, config=None) -> 'Pipeline': """ Filter the input columns based on the selected filter_columns. Args: input_schema (tuple): The input column/s before filter. output_schema (tuple): The output columns after filter, so the length of input_schema equals to the output_schema. filter_columns (str | tuple): Which columns to filter on. fn (Operation | lambda | callable): The action to perform on the filter_colums. config (dict, optional): Config for the filter. Defaults to None. Returns: Pipeline: Pipeline with filter action added. Examples: >>> from towhee import pipe >>> def filter_func(num): ... return num > 10 >>> p = (pipe.input('a', 'c') ... .filter('c', 'd', 'a', filter_func) ... .output('d')) >>> p(1, 12).get() None >>> p(11, 12).get() [12] """ output_schema = self._check_schema(output_schema) input_schema = self._check_schema(input_schema) filter_columns = self._check_schema(filter_columns) uid = uuid.uuid4().hex fn_action = self._to_action(fn) dag_dict = deepcopy(self._dag) dag_dict[uid] = { 'inputs': input_schema, 'outputs': output_schema, 'op_info': fn_action.serialize(), 'iter_info': { 'type':, 'param': {FilterConst.param.filter_by: filter_columns} }, 'config': config, 'next_nodes': [], } dag_dict[self._clo_node]['next_nodes'].append(uid) return Pipeline(dag_dict, uid)
[docs] def window(self, input_schema, output_schema, size, step, fn, config=None) -> 'Pipeline': """ Window execution of action. Args: input_schema (tuple): The input column/s of fn. output_schema (tuple): The output column/s of fn. size (int): How many rows per window. step (int): How many rows to iterate after each window. fn (Operation | lambda | callable): The action to perform on the input_schema after window. config (dict, optional): Config for the window map. Defaults to None Returns: Pipeline: Pipeline with window action added. Examples: >>> from towhee import pipe >>> p = (pipe.input('n1', 'n2') ... .flat_map(('n1', 'n2'), ('n1', 'n2'), lambda x, y: [(a, b) for a, b in zip(x, y)]) ... .window(('n1', 'n2'), ('s1', 's2'), 2, 1, lambda x, y: (sum(x), sum(y))) ... .output('s1', 's2')) >>> res = p([1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5]) >>> res.get() [3, 5] >>> res.get() [5, 7] """ output_schema = self._check_schema(output_schema) input_schema = self._check_schema(input_schema) uid = uuid.uuid4().hex fn_action = self._to_action(fn) dag_dict = deepcopy(self._dag) dag_dict[uid] = { 'inputs': input_schema, 'outputs': output_schema, 'op_info': fn_action.serialize(), 'iter_info': { 'type':, 'param': {WindowConst.param.size: size, WindowConst.param.step: step} }, 'config': config, 'next_nodes': [], } dag_dict[self._clo_node]['next_nodes'].append(uid) return Pipeline(dag_dict, uid)
[docs] def window_all(self, input_schema, output_schema, fn, config=None) -> 'Pipeline': """ Read all rows as single window and perform action. Args: input_schema (tuple): The input column/s of fn. output_schema (tuple): The output column/s of fn. fn (Operation | lambda | callable): The action to perform on the input_schema after window all data. config (dict, optional): Config for the window_all. Defaults to None Returns: Pipeline: Pipeline with window_all action added. Examples: >>> from towhee import pipe >>> p = (pipe.input('n1', 'n2') ... .flat_map(('n1', 'n2'), ('n1', 'n2'), lambda x, y: [(a, b) for a, b in zip(x, y)]) ... .window_all(('n1', 'n2'), ('s1', 's2'), lambda x, y: (sum(x), sum(y))) ... .output('s1', 's2')) >>> p([1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5]).get() [10, 14] """ output_schema = self._check_schema(output_schema) input_schema = self._check_schema(input_schema) uid = uuid.uuid4().hex fn_action = self._to_action(fn) dag_dict = deepcopy(self._dag) dag_dict[uid] = { 'inputs': input_schema, 'outputs': output_schema, 'op_info': fn_action.serialize(), 'iter_info': { 'type':, 'param': None, }, 'config': config, 'next_nodes': [], } dag_dict[self._clo_node]['next_nodes'].append(uid) return Pipeline(dag_dict, uid)
[docs] def reduce(self, input_schema, output_schema, fn, config=None) -> 'Pipeline': """ Reduce the sequence to a single value. Args: input_schema (tuple): The input column/s of fn. output_schema (tuple): The output column/s of fn. fn (Operation | lambda | callable): The action to perform on the input_schema after window all data. config (dict, optional): Config for the window_all. Defaults to None Returns: Pipeline: Pipeline with reduce action added. Examples: >>> from towhee import pipe >>> p = (pipe.input('n1', 'n2') ... .flat_map(('n1', 'n2'), ('n1', 'n2'), lambda x, y: [(a, b) for a, b in zip(x, y)]) ... .reduce(('n1', 'n2'), ('s1', 's2'), lambda x, y: (sum(x), sum(y))) ... .output('s1', 's2')) >>> p([1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5]).get() [10, 14] """ if isinstance(fn, RuntimePipeline): raise RuntimeError("Reduce node doesn't support pipeline fn") output_schema = self._check_schema(output_schema) input_schema = self._check_schema(input_schema) uid = uuid.uuid4().hex fn_action = self._to_action(fn) dag_dict = deepcopy(self._dag) dag_dict[uid] = { 'inputs': input_schema, 'outputs': output_schema, 'op_info': fn_action.serialize(), 'iter_info': { 'type':, 'param': None, }, 'config': config, 'next_nodes': [], } dag_dict[self._clo_node]['next_nodes'].append(uid) return Pipeline(dag_dict, uid)
[docs] def time_window(self, input_schema, output_schema, timestamp_col, size, step, fn, config=None) -> 'Pipeline': """ Perform action on time windows. Args: input_schema (tuple): The input column/s of fn. output_schema (tuple): The output columns to fn. timestamp_col (str): Which column to use for creating windows. size (int): size of window. step (int): how far to progress window. fn (Operation | lambda | callable): The action to perform on the input_schema after window the date with timestamp_col. config (dict, optional): Config for the time window. Defaults to None. Returns: Pipeline: Pipeline with time_window action added. Examples: >>> from towhee import pipe >>> p = (pipe.input('d') ... .flat_map('d', ('n1', 'n2', 't'), lambda x: ((a, b, c) for a, b, c in x)) ... .time_window(('n1', 'n2'), ('s1', 's2'), 't', 3, 3, lambda x, y: (sum(x), sum(y))) ... .output('s1', 's2')) >>> data = [(i, i+1, i * 1000) for i in range(11) if i < 3 or i > 7] #[(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (8, 9), (9, 10), (10, 11)] >>> res = p(data) >>> res.get() #[(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)] [3, 6] >>> res.get() #(8, 9) [8, 9] >>> res.get() #(9, 10), (10, 11) [19, 21] """ output_schema = self._check_schema(output_schema) input_schema = self._check_schema(input_schema) uid = uuid.uuid4().hex fn_action = self._to_action(fn) dag_dict = deepcopy(self._dag) dag_dict[uid] = { 'inputs': input_schema, 'outputs': output_schema, 'op_info': fn_action.serialize(), 'iter_info': { 'type':, 'param': {TimeWindowConst.param.time_range_sec: size, TimeWindowConst.param.time_step_sec: step, TimeWindowConst.param.timestamp_col: timestamp_col} }, 'config': config, 'next_nodes': [], } dag_dict[self._clo_node]['next_nodes'].append(uid) return Pipeline(dag_dict, uid)
@staticmethod def _to_action(fn): if fn in [OPName.NOP,]: return OperatorAction.from_builtin(fn) if isinstance(fn, _OperatorWrapper): return OperatorAction.from_hub(, fn.init_args, fn.init_kws, fn.tag, fn.is_latest) if isinstance(fn, RuntimePipeline): return OperatorAction.from_pipeline(fn) if getattr(fn, '__name__', None) == '<lambda>': return OperatorAction.from_lambda(fn) if callable(fn): return OperatorAction.from_callable(fn) raise ValueError('Unknown operator, please make sure it is lambda, callable or operator with ops.') @staticmethod def _nop_node_dict(input_schema, output_schema): fn_action = Pipeline._to_action(OPName.NOP) node_dict = { 'inputs': input_schema, 'outputs': output_schema, 'op_info': fn_action.serialize(), 'iter_info': { 'type':, 'param': None, }, 'config': None, 'next_nodes': [], } return node_dict @staticmethod def _check_concat_pipe(pipes): if len(pipes) == 0: raise ValueError('The parameter of concat cannot be None.') for pipe in pipes: if not isinstance(pipe, Pipeline): raise ValueError(f'{pipe} is invalid, the parameter of concat must be Pipeline.') @staticmethod def _concat_dag(dag1, pipes): for pipe in pipes: dag2 = deepcopy(pipe.dag) same_nodes = dag1.keys() & dag2.keys() for name in same_nodes: dag2[name]['next_nodes'] = list(set(dag2[name]['next_nodes'] + dag1[name]['next_nodes'])) dag1.update(dag2) return dag1 @staticmethod def _check_schema(schema): return TupleForm(data=None, schema_data=schema).schema_data