Source code for towhee.serve.api_service

# Copyright 2023 Zilliz. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Optional, Any, Union, List, Callable, Tuple
from functools import partial

from pydantic import BaseModel

class RouterConfig(BaseModel):
    func: Callable
    input_model: Optional[Any] = None
    output_model: Optional[Any] = None
    path: Optional[str] = None

[docs] class APIService(BaseModel): """ APIService is used to define a service. After the definition is completed, you can use HTTPServer or the GRPCServer to started it. Example: .. code-block:: python import typing as T from pydantic import BaseModel from towhee import AutoPipes, api_service from import JSON service = api_service.APIService(desc="Welcome") stn = AutoPipes.pipeline('sentence_embedding') @service.api(path='/embedding') def chat(params: T.List[T.Any]): return stn(*params).to_list() class Item(BaseModel): url: str ids: T.List[int] @service.api(path='/echo', input_model = JSON(Item), output_model=JSON(Item)) def echo(item: Item): return item if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if sys.argv[1] == 'http': from towhee.serve.http.server import HTTPServer HTTPServer(service).run('', 8000) else: import logging from towhee.utils.log import engine_log engine_log.setLevel(logging.INFO) from towhee.serve.grpc.server import GRPCServer GRPCServer(service).run('', 8000) Client Example: http: import requests'', json={'url': 1, 'ids': [1, 2]}).json()'', json=['hello world']).json() grpc: from towhee.serve.grpc.client import Client c = Client('', 8000) c('/echo', {'url': 1, 'ids': [1, 2]}) c('/embedding', ['hello']) """ desc: str = '' routers: Optional[List[RouterConfig]] = None def api( self, input_model: Optional[Any] = None, output_model: Optional[Any] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, ): def decorator(func: Callable): self.add_api(func, input_model, output_model, path) return func return decorator def add_api( self, func: Callable, input_model: Optional[Any] = None, output_model: Optional[Any] = None, path: Optional[str] = None ): if self.routers is None: self.routers = [] self.routers.append(RouterConfig( func=func, input_model=input_model, output_model=output_model, path=path ))
[docs] def build_service(pipelines: Union[Tuple['RuntimPipeline', str], List[Tuple['RuntimPipeline', str]]], desc: str = 'Welcome to use towhee pipeline service'): """ Convert multiple pipelines into an APIService Examples: .. code-block:: python from towhee import AutoPipes from towhee import api_service stn = AutoPipes.pipeline('sentence_embedding') img = AutoPipes.pipeline('image-embedding') service = api_service.build_service([(stn, '/embedding/text'), (img, '/embedding/image')]) if __name__ == '__main__': from towhee.serve.http.server import HTTPServer HTTPServer(service).run('', 8000) """ service = APIService(desc=desc) def pipe_caller(p: Callable, params: Any): ret = p(params) if hasattr(ret, 'to_list'): ret = ret.to_list() return ret def batch(p: Callable, params: List[Any]): ret_data = [] rets = p.batch(params) for ret in rets: if hasattr(ret, 'to_list'): ret_data.append(ret.to_list()) else: ret_data.append(ret) return ret_data if not isinstance(pipelines, list): pipelines = [pipelines] for p in pipelines: caller = partial(pipe_caller, p[0]) caller.__name__ = caller.func.__name__ caller.__doc__ = caller.func.__doc__ caller.__code__ = caller.func.__code__ service.add_api(caller, path=p[1]) if hasattr(p[0], 'batch'): batch_caller = partial(batch, p[0]) batch_caller.__name__ = batch_caller.func.__name__ batch_caller.__doc__ = batch_caller.func.__doc__ batch_caller.__code__ = batch_caller.func.__code__ service.add_api(batch_caller, path=p[1] + '/batch') return service